Opt out of joining a game thats already started

Devs already suck at matchmaking, give people the option to only play fresh games.
Nothing like constantly joining losing games…

That exists. Play comp.


brain dead response, obviously if someone wants to CASUALLY play the game and dont want to be in another game that more than likely they are gonna be on the losing side of, they should have the free will to not join ongoing games.

Or maybe commit to what you signed up for.

If people had the choice not to backfill, next to nobody would backfill.

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I don’t mind being a backfill, but I don’t want to be put in a match where it’s already at the POTG screen.


If you’re playing casually, you won’t care about leavers or abouy joining an in progress game all that much

I havent backfilled since Season 4, so its possible, but its not like its an option you can just turn on and off.