Open queue Top 500 not placing

I have played 50 games in open queue with SMS verification on and I am high enough to get top 500 but have not received the rank. Any reason why that would be?


Bumping this because I am having the exact same issue. Hoping for an answer

same for me, but im on the leaderboard but in game i donā€™t have the TOP500 icon when im ingameā€¦ 3 weeks please fix it

I think you have to finish the season as top 500

You often need to play more than 50 games because it has to be 50 on the exact same server location (eg if youā€™re in Asia and play 40 games on Korean servers and 10 on Japanese, that wonā€™t count). For most people it usually activates after like 53 or so games but if youā€™re close to two locations equally it might be more.

Also keep in mind that only games played after adding the authenticator and signing in with it will count, and games that cancel due to leavers etc dont count but will still show on the leaderboard profile.

you donā€™t understand im in the LEADERBOARD so im on top500 BUT the icon donā€™t appear.
itā€™s only ( diamond / master / gm )

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I made Competitive 6v6 Top 500 2021 and I do not have my spray or my icon. This had better be a known glitch or Iā€™m pursuing legal action against someone. I worked hard and I earned that.

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the problem is still not solvedā€¦

I mean Iā€™m masters and have played like 55 games with phone number thing enabled and Iā€™m not on the leaderboard nor have the icon. Itā€™s a little bit upsetting nglā€¦

Meanwhile people I queue into are like 3.3k with less games played than me and are in t500. In addition, Iā€™ve placed ā€œt500ā€ two seasons in a row nowā€¦

Having the same problem

yep me as well, contacted blizzard and by my guesses it wonā€™t be fixed by the time season ends