Open queue now official

That is the usage which the players are choosing to do…

On the other hand I read complains about open queue how bad the experience is and they describe exactly what happend in pre 2-2-2.

According to old forums (pre 2-2-2) most supports and dislike it.

usage <> popularity

the bribes for example

or a buddy cajols you to play some matches on a disliked mode


I am seeing many at present say otherwise, and I would ask for data proving the claim of a majority here


Can I get a proof that many people (pre 2-2-2) like solo healing and solo tanking?

When you get hungry next, do you think that eating food would help you stop being hungry?

I mean, memory is not perfect, it just has a VERY VERY high correlation with how things work.

But, things COULD change it. So, when you get hungry next, do you think that eating food would help you stop being hungry?

or do you think that the chance that solar radiation could have messed up your memory enough that you don’t believe it valid enough evidence to eat something when you are hungry?

The chances of your memory having been messed with on that scale is VERY VERY small, but it COULD have happened I guess.

The chances are that popularity isn’t being reflected in what modes people pick IS possible. But the chances are also VERY VERY small.

But you don’t accept things as valid if there is even the tinyist chance that the dataset could be wrong rather than take it on balance of evidence.

So, when you get hungry next, do you think that eating food would help you stop being hungry?

Well in Overwatch at least game modes are pretty known for reaching peak popularity in the first few days, so for me personally the chart does more than speak for Competitive Open Queue’s popularity

Certainly, if you personally believe that said evidence is invalid, then for you there’s no difference between said pieces of evidence existing in the first place or not.

On the other hand though, the above mindset does not validate the act of not even acknowledging that said evidence exists in the first place, as even though there is only one truth at the end of the day, since we currently don’t know that truth for sure then it’s in out human nature to debate by bringing our own evidence and making up our minds (once again, in this specific debate only one side has even brought up any evidence, but that’s another story). Therefore, if you don’t even acknowledge the evidence the opposition has brought up without even explaining why you believe the pieces of evidence provided are invalid to you, let’s not get into bringing any counter - evidence, then needless to say that’s just a remarkably bad and even somewhat hypocritical way to ““debate””…

Did you reply to me by mistake or something because I don’t see any quotes of my posts in your response :sweat_smile:

See, I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard for Jeff to provide truncated data that specifically shows what he wants, but on the other hand… I’m sure there’s some internal division on the direction things are going within the dev team and if he grossly misrepresented the state of the game it would such an easy kick in the cred to leak something that makes Jeff look a fool :man_shrugging:t2:

Not excited for goating

Are you talking about the specific chart Jeff posted concerning Competitive Open Queue’s popularity here?

Because really, we could start discussing motives behind the devs’ decisions and conspiracy theories for days… Either way though, lying about the state of the game and/or player feedback may be a good idea short - term to please investors and the like, but needless to say that long - term it will only cause significant damage to both the devs’ reputation and even more importantly, their wallets.

lmao you’re kind will never be satisfied and yet we should be the one to take a sacrifice. The sheer arrogance.

I’m glad it’s there for the ppl that like it.

Not looking forward to all the posts complaining the game is balanced around 222.

3-2-1 strats woo?

That is to say: 3 supports, 2 dps, 1 tank.

Xbox OQ should be fun because we were quick to break goats when it first appeared. I expect to see a lot of goats, a lot of Sombra goats, a lot of quad tank, and a lot of quad dps (the counter strat to quad dps is typically quad support on my platform. Quad dps counters goats)

Triple turrets may rein supreme because damage mitigation is weak relative to damage output. Speaking of supreme Damage, 5 dps + Mercy on payload attack is impossible to beat without either goats or quad support.

I personally will be forming 6 stacks with my preferred roles:

1 :shield: 1 :heavy_plus_sign: 1 :gun: 3 :recycle:

I’m high diamond OQ (3400), high diamond tank, low diamond dps, and low masters support so I fully expect to chill in the 3600-3700 range in OQ. Luckily, the higher up the ladder you go, the more ma boi Lucio becomes relevant

I’m never going to use it, so i dont care.

Yeh that’s the one. I love me a good conspiracy theory and while I think it’s a bit weird that he gave a single days data i presume that he happened to have it on hand from some meeting/briefing he did or was given and that it was more or less representative. If it wasn’t, it would be stupidly easy for someone blow it up in his face, and for what… it’s not like he had to post something. We aren’t shareholders or streamers :man_shrugging:t2:

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Did placements for season 2 when it was in the arcade. Got cussed out by DPS moira because I didn’t switch to healer. Since I avoided them, of course they were my opponent for the next four games, insulting me in match chat every time.

I’ll probably do just my placements. Maybe I’ll open queue if I feel like playing support or tank, as I’m less likely to be the target of toxicity in those roles. But probably I’ll just do my placements. As DPS.

Still seems like the same ol’ open queue to me though, toxic people screaming at everyone else to change because everyone wants to play DPS, the one bullied into solo main tank switching to back DPS without informing anyone after the first failed push, the one pretending to support spending all their time DPSing.

Good reminder of why role queue is great.

I enjoy it, for the most part it’s 2-2-2 or 1-3-2 compositions, the greater flexibility gives you more ways to deal with things, and I’ve actually played a handful of proper dive composition games as D.Va which went really well. Another interesting setup ended up 6 DPS against a typical 2-2-2 Rein-Sigma-Ana comp, and we won comfortably in the end because the spread play was too much for them - indeed probably the best Tracer performance I’ve ever put into a game.

My issue with it this time around was probably no different to any other game mode with low level accounts, boosting, smurfing etc. Problems which come off the back of the recent sale.

A whole team just to counter Genji yeah definitevely broken.

maybe i’ll come back to OW now… it’s better to have 5 dps than 2 tanks who can’t tank

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