Open queue now official

So how its different from before :thinking:

Ah, one more window. I see.
Your version was way better wtf indie company designers

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I’m used to it.
Posted this on June 24th 2019.
Role Queue was announced July 18th.
✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay


Its the only mode i will play mostly widow some zen ana, until this weeb meta goes away or if it stays till ow2 comes.

The games are much more fun and varied. Maybe not as serious as 2-2-2 comp but way more intresting.


I’m confused, isn’t this what it is currently or is this a region specific thing…

Is this what they plan to change it too?

I’m assuming weeb meta you mean genji? :joy: just go Winston, moira, zarya, sym, mei, brig stay in him till he switches. If he won’t switch at least it will tilt his team.

Nope, that’s what I posted about a month before RoleQueue came out.

Posted those images on June 24th 2019.
Role Queue was announced July 18th 2019.

✅ [2-2-2] Putting RoleQ into Quickplay

I hate doing that, its just stupid that one character and you have to switch so much, i dont switch of ana or zen for tracer reaper, sombra because there is a level of skill match up there.

Anyway in the new weeb meta they are creating moira nad brig will get nerfed to ground soon they are obviously reworking moira to suit weeb needs.

I know how to counter weeb with heros its just not fun doing so much fora single hero, say if its a whole dive team winston dva weeb tracer then it makes sense to counter pick, but having to counter pick for one weeb is just horrendous balancing,

he has been the first unbalanced character in this game from start before moira brig doomfist.

Its about time its gonna be permanent.
Its win/win for everyone.

Not everyone who dislikes role que is a DPS main. It’s not perfect and has plenty of issues.


yes as support nothing is painful watching dps not countering pharmercy or whatever is killing the team.
Here i can just switch and counter it.

Like i have had dps tell me as ana to counter pharmercy key being not pharah i can counter pharah a bit, but pharmercy, as they play junk reaper and ask me why im not killing pharmercy, do they even know it takes me 7 continuous shots to kills a mercy pocketed pharah even theoretically as if its going to happen.


Wasn’t trying to imply that, but those who dislike role queue and aren’t DPS mains aren’t going to be coming onto the forums to beg Blizzard to fix the problem that is them.

I used to not care, but now I like it, I can actually play fun heroes when there’s a crappy meta in role queue.

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I get what you mean about the switching it’s so annoying. You shouldn’t have to change out a team to take down one character but that’s the state of Overwatch. Least he can be countered unlike mei. Used to be able to anti nade her so she couldn’t heal but they took that out.

Well literally all pieces of evidence we have had for months now concerning this subject only support the claim of the majority enjoying 2/2/2 role - lock and nothing more… Whether you personally consider said pieces of evidence as valid/conclusive or not is your problem, but needless to say your anecdotal at best observation doesn’t in any way invalidate the original statement of the person you replied to.


Do you have the official stats from Jeff at hand?
Open Queue wasn’t really popular in the US, but in Korea and mediocre in EU (IIRC)

I hope i get ranked where i belong not to high like in arcade version. Im sick of being just food for other team because im worse than anyone in match.

Hopefully they put qpc on QuickPlay and make your interface instead

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*to get a majority of people to stop complaining about role queue

Are you talking about the Open Queue situation specifically here, because concerning that the chart that Jeff provided and which you’re referencing is the only one we have and doesn’t really speak about the actual player opinions concerning these two game modes, but about their statistical popularity…

It’s either “the majority” or “the minority” lmao… Nothing else.