With the launch of Season 23, Overwatch players will be able to enjoy a new option in Competitive mode with the addition of Open Queue, available starting July 2.
Hooray, 5 dps vs goats mode is available!
Edit: It’s nice to see they forgot to update group finder to separate 2/2/2 and open queue roles.
Thanks for the info!
So now we have six different SRs… and that’s not counting any of that arcade junk…
Not gonna lie, the balance is horrendous for this gamemode but I’d rather suffer than wait in a 30 minute queue.
Yet most of the time all I see is GOATs.
What tier are you at just asking?
Time to be a mercy one trick, i ain’t playing Ana into that lmao
High plat in open queue.
can you do the same for QPC…same logic as OQ…plus it would free up an arcade slot
I thought it’s another post about Genji’s nerfs.
God I love GOATS…

can you do the same for QPC…same logic as OQ…plus it would free up an arcade slot
Hope it helps shorten the role queue wait time for dps.
Been playing role queue a while and been force to play single tank or healer in so many games.
Wait…that means total mayhem is back to every other day!!!
goat simulator was an amazing game.
Good stuff.
Can i just ask
Is placement system better than arcade one?
Six? 4 different SR, healer, tank, dps and open role
I completely agree! When I saw they were doing this for competitive but not quick play as well I was like why??? We don’t need it to be taking up an arcade spot when it would do just as well being a secondary option for quick play