Bastion in 2016, ARG di Sombra, Brigitte 1.0, Smurfer who believe themselves to be God, Cheaters, Hero Pool, the 2-2-2 without valid solutions, the exclusive skins that have no explanation if they don’t return (weekly skins, for example) , zero functional updates, the rise of trolling, zero new heroes, yet another DPS represented by Echo, no news for competitive maps (Horizon and Paris reworks), fewer event skins, cuts to new game modes, no news about archive skin biography, Bobby Kotick meddling on the development of OW2…
You may not 100% agree with all of this list, but surely someone of thes things made you disagree with the developers’ choices. Collect this dissent and unite it in a great ritual about what Overwatch does NOT needs in the coming soon:
Let’s make ourselves heard: we are not all content creators, we are not all pro players … but we are ALL gamers even before being SPECTATORS. We are absolutely tired of watching others play. WE are the future of Overwatch, not e-sport or a number that says how ActiBlizz shares are going.
Do you think a closed beta is unlikely? Take as a reminder the result of Sombra’s ARG that did not draw anything of significance. or that the Echo was “definitely a Support”. Or that “the 2-2-2 will find solutions within its first year, they will not abandon it” and perhaps (I say MAYBE) it would be appropriate to demonstrate that our trust should be questioned and not treated 100% as valid.
Well, nothing wrong with letting the community play a beta.
Though it shouldn’t be given to everyone, just a selection of players that want to play the beta.
Just like it’s done with most beta programs, wouldn’t be an issue at all.
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There’s absolutely nothing wrong with OW2, or any other game, going through closed beta sessions. It’s a lot easier to gather data & feedback from a dedicated group over a mob.
OW1 went through phases of closed betas and these were vital in giving the devs info on balancing & bug fixing. The game went through some very drastic changes before going live, OW1 wouldn’t be nearly as good at launch were it not for the gradual rollout.
You’ll get an open beta before release, when they want to test server stress, asking for it so soon is just pointless though.
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Yeah I highly doubt that we’re gonna get an open beta anytime soon that the majority of us can play and enjoy.
The first time we’re gonna see OW2 from now on is probably gonna be during the OWL, because that’s what they want to do. They want to force you to watch it if you want any news about and a look at OW2 after not giving us anything in ages. They want to inflate viewer numbers and make it seem highly popular.
If there’s going to be a beta, it’s highly likely it’ll be a closed one. CC’s will most likely be a part of it for sure. If we’re lucky they might do similar to what the game VHS did with there’s. Where you sign up for the beta and they over time give waves of beta keys out to people who signed up for one. Allowing more and more players into it over time so they can stress test the servers etc and make sure it can handle more and more players and so they can fix any issues that may arise. Or they might do it similar to this but with beta drop keys by viewing OWL/CC’s streams…maybe.
But I personally think a fully open beta is a long way off.
I am guessing OWL will be their closed beta or maybe the cc too. After all that is probably why they got so excited about the future of OW2 - just cuz they will be involved in a way.
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