Oof, playing support sucks right now

Cc, any beam shields, his target being bubbled/healed. Do you want me to list more?

Right. What I meant was that the change in dmg to Genji itself isnā€™t the big notable difference, itā€™s the spread and deflect. The comparison between soldierā€™s dmg adjustment and genjiā€™s dmg adjustment is sort of (and I really mean mildly) skewed due to the rate of fire/projectile vs hitscanā€¦ etc blah blah. I was just nitpicking.

genjiā€™s place in the game before he got power crept into oblivion

youā€™re welcome

such a childish argument that ignores any basic understanding of the game


So your another one of the genji is op and easy but Iā€™ve neve played a game of him in my life. Great. Welcome to my ignore list!


literally where

you canā€™t just cry about having it hard when someone argues using facts of the gameā€™s history

again, such an asinine, childish way to avoid an argument


These threads are doing little to nothing but showing how out of touch the forums are with reality. The reaction is mostly positive outside the forums.


I know youā€™re a Genji guy and Iā€™m sorry, itā€™s not like I take any great joy in saying that I think your favorite hero should be nerfed. But he just didnā€™t need buffs, or certainly at least not this many. He wasnā€™t leading the boards at all ranks, but he wasnā€™t bad. Thatā€™s okay. Not every Shimada has to be top of the food chain all the time.


Hereā€™s my heart of agreement since I canā€™t like abymore(thanks like limit) :heart:

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IKR? Even as a silver support I know thereā€™s counterplay. It just means you have to be slightly more careful.

He still isnā€™t even close to ashe and echo and isnā€™t better than mccree and tracer. Id say heā€™s leading the B tier or is holding last place in a atm. Feel free to disagree

Backs away slowly having killed two Genji Players today as Mercy when they were bothering me.

he was holding first place on b-tier and now heā€™s holding last place on a-tier.
itā€™s really not that big of a difference, the only thing is he might be more useful of a dive character than some other dive characters right now. but thatā€™s saying something about the state of dive more than anything.

Unless itā€™s changed, McCree is among the lowest winrate heroes at every rank, isnā€™t he? I thought that was just last week.

Which one? Iā€™ve been hitting no mans sky a lot lately.

Overbuff is known to be incorrectā€¦ Iā€™m not gm and you might be so hey, I might be wrong but I think that mccree is a tier

He is referring to last of us Iā€™m pretty sure

Overbuff is pretty accurate. Thereā€™s more than enough data from which to draw accurate conclusions.


OK. Can you tell me how youd rate the dps atm?

I donā€™t know. Iā€™d have to go check. Sometimes pure feel is misleading. Thatā€™s why I was asking. To me, McCree seems good, but as I recall, just last week, or the week before, McCree was low on the boards. Isnā€™t he still pretty low-tier in Masters?

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Itā€™s 2 damage / Shuriken a.k.a itā€™s 6 damage buff. That might change your view of this buff.

It becomes 12 damage for headshots. He can now shoot you for 180dmg with 1 left/right click and his attacks have no damage drop. He can right click+melee all 200hp heroes.

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