Oof, Mei disabled till November 15th

She’s one of the best ones to use when the healer is garbage. Blizzard is garbage

WOW it took you a long time to just write that. You were replying for ages. Keep deleting and retyping something until you got that ‘zinger’ you wanted? It was a fizzle.

But keep trying though. I’m sure you’ll get off a good one eventually. A million monkeys on a million typewriters and what-not.

I was actually trying to get used to using Mei because she seemed to be slept on. High damage output with an immunity/heal. Walls too. Guess that’s not happening now.

Disappointment after disappointment this bloody game.

And another one. Lmao. Breathlessly waiting on my reply…

…You mean like you’re doing to me? Waiting with bated breath for me to point out how retarded you sound again?

I don’t even play OW2. And if you’ve seen my profile, you’ll know I have zero investment in this forum. I just wanted to poke fun at Blizzard for being incompetent. But then I saw your post and it just felt right to point out how stupid you sounded. I’m done now. I have better games to play. Have fun being a retarded internet loser.

Can we remove genji to fix the visual bug in his new skin where the summon dragon becomes permanent visually and blocks his hit box.

Isn’t there also a hammond health bug :no_mouth:

The irony of this post.

Stop derailing the thread with your terrible comments. :roll_eyes:

the way it probably works is taking the target character position and adding some offset vector to them, then testing whether or there’s a valid path from the desired position to the target (i.e. it doesn’t intersect any geometry)

and this test probably doesn’t work when mei’s head is sticking outside the map

I just need help understanding how Mei gets banned with Kiriko is the exploiter.

This is SO ANNOYING!!! It happens when you’re on uneven ground. If you jump then land on the top of the wall as its coming from the ground, you wont slip off. Its okay for now, but very annoying that her little mobility is hurt even more by this. Hope they fix that during the patch.

I would like the devs to address the other issues around her ice wall. My main issue personally is that when you put a wall under you on unlevel ground, you will slip right off the top. Ive found that if you jump then land on the top of the wall as its coming from the ground, you wont slip off. Its very inconvenient and makes playing her around the objective markedly harder. I would love to see this issue fixed, since they are already working on her wall. As a Mei main, I would very much appreciate someone to look into this :pray: :pray::pray: Pls devs im BEGGING you :pray: :pray::pray:

What took blizzard so long to make this fu@&ed up game?

honestly i wish they woudl of disabled genji as hes known op

To be fair i have mei wall being passed through on video
And many times shooting my wall at my feet cause Mei to slide off weirdly.
You didn’t use to have to jump up to make it work.
So yes its a wall problem. But they also can’t take out the new hero that’s currently driving their sales

I think the point is if it’s a game breaking bug why are they not just fixing it immediately and putting her back in when she’s fixed. Not waiting until the update especially in a game where not having Mei drastically effects the game. Mei is the option for disabling dva (currently the best tank) in the dps class.

Hmm. I think the same about sigma as a character

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Right, but she’s been struggling with these bugs for years, and the entirety of OW2. It wasn’t until the Kiriko OOB setup involving Mei+ice wall hit social media that she was disabled.

Mei being disabled is whatever; I just hate the characteristic crap messaging Blizzard has employed here. Is ice wall/Mei buggy af? Absolutely; it’s not even debatable. Is that why she’s disabled at present? Nope.
Not being clear on the actual reasoning allows players to run absolutely wild with theories and finger pointing, and considering Mei is already loathed by the community, letting them think Mei had an abusable bug is just going to further harm her already awful reputation, and increase the toxicity Mei players receive for the crime of selecting her at the hero selection screen.

dam she is still banned. wonder how long it will take. i hardly play her ever anymore so i had to go look heh

edit: oh title is november 15, thats a long ways away feel sorry for mei mains if there are any

Mei is loathed by the community? Lol. That’s news to me. I love mei.