- This is not only for supports but for tanks and dps to see if a support is dead or about to die i know we have voicelines but they dont help that much even with coms open you are so in the fight that you forget someone to heal or peel so here is an idea i came up with.
- also hp bars can indicate your temmate status as shown in the picture:
- they might not be perfect and can be changed but i think we need them maybe you can disable em and place em elsewhere lower the opacity.
There’s a toggle in “controls” that shows the health bars of all allies at all times.
They would still not know. Looking at the health bars (and mini map) of your team mates is a skill the majority of people in mobas cannot consistently use. It would even be worse in this kind of game
This would be a ravaging to the UI.
All I need is for them to put in the same HUD they use in all the PvE events. All of the information for all teammates is compact and available at a glance.
I feel like it’s kinda like cheating honestly, don’t make the game too easy please.
the ui is already there but only for replays spectacle mode
I’m aware of that and it would be ridiculously powerful to display the same thing during a game.
Well having an onscreen display that ALWAYS shows health bars, will give you a good indication of who is doing what and where, especially if they have a little arrow that points you in their direction.
Peels, rotations, and the like, will all become very easy and streamlined for MOST players instead of just the experts.
exactly imagine both supports needs a peel but one just got engaged and the other is about to die this applieswho will you help first with the current system and coms you do not know that.
this is not a huge chamge but a quality of life one 
I feel, it would add a bit too much to the UI, too much “clutter” so to say.
It’s not a bad idea, but maybe put it on TAB so when you check the scoreboard, you can also see the health of your team from there