Only OG forum users are allowed to post here

i browsed the forums never rly posted back then

I lurked for so long since just before the Ana release. Only last year or two i think ive been actively talking.

I canā€™t remember what my first post even was, but I remember signing RichCā€™s first tank pledge thread in the old forums. (And then when he remade it for these new forums, Jeff signed it too!)

Run guys itā€™s blizzard trying to ban you all at once.

I used to be well known way back when. :pensive:

I feel like most older users are on the forums more than the actual game nowadays

Nah, Iā€™ve only ever posted here under this name.

my main got banned from these forums for some dumb reason

so now i have come back and am being extra salty

i can make new accounts in 5 minutes, ez

Doesnā€™t that cost money

Iā€™ve been around for awhile. I wasnā€™t on the forums at first, but I did join before the major change, I think in late 2016 maybe early 2017. I donā€™t really remember. I hated the downvotes.

Iā€™ve been on the forums since 2018 but on the game since 2017 does that count

Iā€™m sad that RichC met his breaking point and got banned. Thatā€™s what happened right? The details are fuzzy. But he was a nice person to see around here.

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Can we get the downvote button back, only available for OG-users?

I may visit the forums daily, but I never saw his breakdown. Only noticed that he disappeared one day and that people had a lot to say about him, a lot of it negative. (Mean people be mean.) Probably for the best that I didnā€™t witness him at his lowest. Someone later said they knew him more closely and was able to get in contact with him and said he was mentally doing better. So at least there can be solace in that.

There is this:

Iā€™m sorry I donā€™t have any other links. The rest is just going entirely off my memory.

Where is Jeff?

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Playing since season 2, but cause it was free asian license, it wouldnt allow me to post in old forums till I paid $10 for license :roll_eyes:

Its funny how under that license by default I had everything unlocked in any Blizzard game and it wouldnā€™t allow me to post.

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Thatā€™s kind of sad reallyā€¦

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what the f is this