Only clowns think Widow isn't broken

Good thing the TF2 Sniper has a hard counter in the form of the Spy, then.

Never met a Sniper I couldn’t either backstab or double-tap with the Ambassador if I focused him hard enough.

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Until… you ran into a mygot.

The problem is that most Widowmaker players do not understand how useless they are.
Widowmaker should not get nerfed, she should be banned from low brackets and arcade modes.
Make her unplayable for the majority of the playerbase.

Well yeah, hackers are cheating. They don’t count.

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Or buff some other part of her kit to make her more useful to her team when she’s not landing headshots but in such a way that is more useful at low ranks than high ones. Give her some utility that helps her team, for example.

Good thing the bots don’t know how to equip Bazaar

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You forget how if she’s ever in a duo queue, she’s more than likely gonna have a pocket Mercy damage-boosting her the whole game and rezing if somehow happens to die.

I dislike her designe and I am very aware, that she still needs some small changes.

But you can not tell me that she is a super easy hero to play. You do not choose Widow and instantly 6k all the time.
You need time to know where to be, how to deal with flankers and also good enough aim.

If you are good with her or even mastered her, then she is a overly powerful hero - I agree with you on that.

But people who think picking Widowmaker is an easy win and a super easy hero to learn, then those are the real clowns.

(and don’t call people clowns lol)

Lol No
In csgo AWP is only as strong as the enemy teams knowledge of the game
If you know how to use smokes, flashes, molotovs you CAN and WILL F snipers up
Also GOOD maps are designed that there are really not that many spots where sniper can just sit and watch
Valorant? same thing with utility but the map design there sucks a** since corners everywehre

OW? Widow has unobstructed vision over 80% of the fightign area from a vantage point to WHICH she can go every 12 seconds
A mine that if placed well is usefull to avoid flanks
And a gun which every 0.9s is ready to oneshot or deal 60% of enemys HP

Or the biggest offender - AShe
In almost every way a better widowmaker (ults, lol)
Coach gun is absurd in repositioning and getint to safety
Dynamite is … well lets just say its not hard to use and even less hard to have valeu from
You can charge ult stupid fast with couple well palced shots and there is no discussion that 1.2K hp auto aim 112dps charge aoe stun 7th character on a team ultimate THAT has ONE real counter - sleep dart
IS a icing on a broken cake that is ashe

These issues wouldnt be in a game with functional moba elements like shields … but Blizzard forgot OW is NOT just a FPS

As far as I can tell, they walked back on her recent nerf. I one shot from any distance again. :woman_shrugging: I noticed that I couldn’t before when I was on the one map on Ilios, and then yesterday or the day before I noticed I could one shot at those distances again. Very odd.

Or maybe they just increased the range required. I have to literally be all the way on the other side of the practice range. Maybe I’m just crazy.

Spamming your suggestions in every forum about Widow doesn’t make them any less bad. They’re clunky. Just reduce bodyshot damage to something like 85 and make the headshot multiplier x3 for a total headshot damage of 255. Then just increase the charge timer then we’re all good.

It reduces powercreep by making her less able to break shields, reduces the effectiveness of bad Widows that spam bodyshots, and reduces the rate at which she can fire oneshots.

Stop encouraging these Genji main trolls. 4 good buffs followed by 2 reverts to a hero that already wasn’t too bad and they are still complaining. The 4 buffs that made super-gingu gave them the feeling of power they now crave. They’d rather have genji completely broken OP than in a good state. Good winrate and pick rate don’t matter when arguing about your own hero, only other heroes. When it’s your hero Overbuff is soooo inaccurate :wink:


Widow may be good in high ranks,but I won’t believe for a second that most of the people complaining about her on these forums are from Masters+ as well.

Especially considering all the posts/threads I’ve seen saying that Blizzard should balance the game around the majority of the playerbase,who are in Gold/Plat.

I may not be Masters/GM but I played around Bronze/Silver/Gold for years and usually,if someone picked Widow,they were called throwers or trolls. I got harassed for playing her,but sure,go on about how she’s ruining lower rank games.


I approve this message!

He’s the 4th best DPS this week.

Go to select screen, pick her and play her. See how far you can get with her; good luck Bastion main. (Oh wait you currently have a 26% win rate with her in comp)

By the way isn’t the OP basically calling people clowns for disagreeing with him against the TOS. I’ve been moderated for far less. No less, people defending the widow detractor.


Someone finally said it.

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