Only clowns think Widow isn't broken

Careful dude, just because a hero is “busted” and they can’t play that hero that’s “busted” doesn’t mean their not “busted”. They clearly know “busted” when they see it.

But on a serious note, the title of this thread is so friggin’ ironic.

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brave take, but the right take

Winston and D.VA are trash but they are still the best counter tank to Widow.

The ‘problem’ is that if Widowmaker with her current kit is ideally balanced, she’ll be basically useless in low ranks and average in high ranks. There are a lot of Gold-Diamond Widowmaker players that (understandably) don’t like that.

She gets far too much value in high ranks currently because people in high ranks can aim consistently. In lower ranks, they cannot. The solution is to reduce her rate-of-fire or charge rate to reduce how frequently she can get picks for those that can consistently land shots. The current charge rate and rate-of-fire make her incredibly oppressive at high ranks and incredibly forgiving at low ranks.

However, to ensure that she doesn’t then become a throw-pick for everyone else, they need to give her more value elsewhere in her kit.

and others can 2 shot you instead of 1 shot in near same time frame.

this to how to deal with her?

ur basing saying “git gud” which is a dumb thing to say no matter what.

the only nerf she needs is with her grapple.

put it on cooldown if she takes damage recently.
this lets ppl get to her and she has to fight them.

I don’t think this felt as oppressive and bad back when you regularly saw amazing plays like Tracer managing to pull an impressive combo and do some sick moves and kill a bunch of people, making up for the losses on her team.

These days if you’re down a person people act like you’ve already lost the fight, because 95% of the time you have. It’s a game of trades that are very costly in ways that they didn’t used to be, so Widow could exist more without being a problem. Now though, it’s more of a problem.

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Can you do the things that those godly Widows can do? Do you think you can ever achieve such inhuman prowress yourself?

If the answer is no, then crying for Widow’s nerf just sounds like jealousy.


Um Hanzo is like Widow but better
Do you think he should be nerfed too?

i’m not sure if you didn’t read the patch notes but 35/5 = 7, not 9

3 less ammo isn’t insignificant, even if it isn’t the hard nerf people wanted

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Hey Arcadium… I like some of ur ideas for Sym, but could u stop with the name calling?
thanks :kissing_heart:

you guys killed genji now deal with it.

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Widow nerfs only affect top level. The fall-off nerf for example nerfs flying headshots and counter sniping, two key elements of top level widow.

Unless Widow gets reverse fall off nothing is going to nerf noob widows since they get nothing done IMO.


Guess another group of skilled mains have to dump their character because “omg too op”
Coughs in old Sym

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I love Widow, shes the best-looking character in the game, but her kit simply doesn’t fit to the game. It’s like you add shields in cs:go.

Well, according to Miles Edgeworth, I’m not a clown, but the entire circus.

Only clowns keep worrying about balance when queue times are 15 minutes for a dead broken meaningless ladder. Can we fix the game, and make it playable at all, before worrying about how buff/nerf heroes are?


Widows value doesn’t even come from one shots at lower ranks, it comes from her ability to pop off instant travel, unlimited range full charge 120 shots, rapidly.

so, how would you nerf her. She a sniper, she one shots people. It seems that everyone that complains about her dont even know how to nerf her.

But even at high ranks and OWL her stats aren’t broken. If she’s broken what do you think about Mercy? Picked almost double the time, slightly higher winrate? Or Ashe, who has basically the same winrate and pickrate as Widow?

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Translation: If you disagree with me you are a clown. Disagree? I don’t care because you are a clown. :clown_face:


Oh no
Oh no no no.

He is even worse.

Just because he is easier to dive doesn’t excuse the fact that the man can one tap 6 mercs with an unchraged headshot.

You join a server that has one of those Bazzar Bargain Unusal Hat Sniper and you pretty have to pray that he misses. Those bastards are some of the most disgustingly scary snipers you would have to go up against.

And good luck dueling them as well cause oh boy by the time you joined, he has already racked up enough heads to fully charge his shot in 1 seconds.