Only clowns think Widow isn't broken

I’m referring to the trolls claiming that wanting Genji nerfed when he was op meant I wanted him useless.

God forbid the madness of me advocating for nerfs for OP heroes and buffs to UP ones. What nonsense will I come up with next?


I am talking about Arcadium, and based on his response to me, I was on the money. Not that I am proud of such an obvious deduction.

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Yeah, totally silly of me to want nerfs when Genji was op. That’s totally equivalent to me saying “please dumpster this character and make him useless”. 100% identical.

I didn’t know you could get any stupider.

o sorry i didnt mean you personally was just stating what kind of nerfs widow will receive down the line and im pretty sure it may happen her pick/win rate is increasing day by day probably because of shield nerf. just wondering what blizz will do

Legit, she gets to shoot one time less per magazine…which most players reloaded after 2-3 shots anyway. Smh.

The falloff change was a meme in the same vain of that one High Noon buff that happened about 2 years ago.

No. Because this breaks synergies Mercy had and we should stop messing with damage boosts in silly ways like this.

Just drop her HP to 150 and rework Widow’s kit. It’d work much better because if she plays at a less than optimal position she will die.

Do not remove her best utility. She’s not an offtank. She doesn’t need to be brawling the frontlines constantly. She needs a buff but W M1ing things aint it.

And why should people care about what is essentially a “MOBA” gameplay element, if it’s messing up the FPS aspects of the game?

Anti-Dive peel should be something exclusive to OffTanks.
Otherwise you get compositions that do not have OffTanks, like DoubleBarrier.

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I mean sigma was pretty much an off tank with a barrier

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Let’s just admit that the balancing team is dumb af. They don’t know what they’re doing.

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Because damage boost is fine. If you remove it’s ability to boost critical hits you make damage boost useless for Mccree, Widow, Ashe, Soldier, Mei, Baptiste, Bastion (Recon),, Genji, Hanzo, Orisa, Reaper, Roadhog, Sombra, Torbjorn, Tracer, Wreckinball and Zenyatta. It hurts some more than others and some there aren’t worth damage boosting but at that point you may as well remove it. And to ONLY nerf damage boost creates silly inconsistencies, so nerf Supercharger, Nano, Discord and Amp Matrix because who cares about MOBA elements…

Also I don’t care about “fps” or “MOBA” elements because I want Overwatch and to remove things on the basis of “who cares about MOBA elements?” is to change Overwatch for silly reasons like damage boost messes up the fps aspect. It doesn’t. I don’t see how it does, it is intentionally designed to meet these damage breakpoints like Ashe’s ADS and Pharah’s two shot splash and Dynamite meeting 200 damage.

Sigma was the offtank in double barrier. Brig was not the offtank. She was just tanky with good healing which made her a perfect fit for hiding behind a barrier and keeping everyone alive with good AOE sustain. It was never the stun although it helped with the anti-dive elements of double barrier. But let’s remove Mccrees stun too because anti-dive peel is exclusive to offtanks. And also let’s remove Mei’s freeze… It’s silly logic

McCree is extremely vulnerable to Dive. Especially when a Defence Matrix shuts down his flashbang.

And Mei is a problem, and would either need nerfs to get anti-Dive peel, or better make her into a Tank.

Devs are looking to remove the problems with not having barriers up constantly.

Kind of unavoidable that they focus on ranged instant kills.

Lets see how you do OP if you play widow… go on, i can wait

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Doesn’t change that it is anti dive peel.
And Mei is not a tank. She doesn’t work as a tank.
One sub role should NOT be the only role with an answer to Dive. We have characters with anti-dive peel so other roles can fill that niche rather than requiring Roadhog or Sigma to do it. Brig’s stun can’t be Dmed but it also doesn’t last a super long time and Brig herself can’t confirm the kill alone. Just let these characters do their jobs. Or else we just end up with dive trumping everything.

Then make widow just as vulnerable as the targets she’s killiing by reducing her HP. And they already nerfed the Mercy Ashe combo by reducing it’s effective range and also Mercy and Ashe is two characters worth of burst damage which is far more justified than widow’s one shot. They honestly should just make barriers good again and make Sigma a main tank with a soft rework. Then snipers won’t do whatever they want. This is a problem they created by nerfing a core aspect of the game that has existed since launch. Maps, heroes and abilities are designed around having shields present and without them a whole myriad of balance issues have arisen.

Fulfilling the function of an offtank isn’t doing their jobs.

It’s doing other roles jobs.

They aren’t fulfilling the job of offtanks. They are simply stunning dive heroes.

Careful dude, just because a hero is “busted” and they can’t play that hero that’s “busted” doesn’t mean their not “busted”. They clearly know “busted” when they see it.

But on a serious note, the title of this thread is so friggin’ ironic.

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brave take, but the right take

Winston and D.VA are trash but they are still the best counter tank to Widow.

The ‘problem’ is that if Widowmaker with her current kit is ideally balanced, she’ll be basically useless in low ranks and average in high ranks. There are a lot of Gold-Diamond Widowmaker players that (understandably) don’t like that.

She gets far too much value in high ranks currently because people in high ranks can aim consistently. In lower ranks, they cannot. The solution is to reduce her rate-of-fire or charge rate to reduce how frequently she can get picks for those that can consistently land shots. The current charge rate and rate-of-fire make her incredibly oppressive at high ranks and incredibly forgiving at low ranks.

However, to ensure that she doesn’t then become a throw-pick for everyone else, they need to give her more value elsewhere in her kit.