Only change I want for mercy

Positioning and game sense

Which is taken away in Valkyrie (expect if they have tac or high noon)

She needs a target at least, with Valkyrie she doesn’t need even that, chain beam got that covered for ya.

She needs to GA at least, with Valkyrie she can position at will.

She needs to care for her self heal at least, with Valkyrie she heals constantly.

She needs to aim the pistol to go Battle Mercy, with Valkyrie you can just spam.

Valkyrie is literally designed around covering for skill. That’s fine by default, it just so happens that it’s bloated and clashes with Mercy’s kit.


It’s not about that at all. Sure it’s a risk/reward thing but not being able to cancel when thing change in a split second sucks. It’s more of a QoL thing, idk I think it would be nice.


Mercy’s projectile speed and fire rate are the same in Valkyrie.

Before Mercy 2.0 was released, she had increased damage and fire rate on PTR, but both of these buffs were removed due to Mercy having the highest DPS ultimate in the game (actual lmfao).

I would personally like Valkyrie removed or completely reworked, tbh.


Do you actually play this way or is this hyperbole? Because if so, no wonder you aren’t getting the results you want. Honestly? Shame on people like you for spreading a false narrative in such a way.


I disagree with the notion that Valkyrie doesn’t require skill or is any kind of “spectator mode”. I made a very detailed thread on this a couple of weeks ago with videos attached for the way I use the ability. If you’re looking to get more out of Valkyrie, take a look.


Valkyrie is very good for murdering people. :slight_smile:

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Fire rate is the same, projectile speed is not. It’s 80m/s in Valk, 40 m/s outside of it.

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The only change I want for Soldier/Reaper/Sombra/Brigitte/Lucio/Zenyatta/etc is to make their ultimates require more skill. It’s sad that their ultimates are also the most boring part of their kit

The job gets down for me when I ult

See how that doesn’t make sense?


Valk needs a bullet, not tweaks.


I like Valk a lot. But if they gave her a totally new ultimate or changed it drastically, and have nothing to do with res/mass res, I’d be fine with that.

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There would literally be just a few number changes to be made to make Valk more “skillful”.
Buff the primary target healing, nerf the chained healing.
suggestions (idk what would be balanced):

  • primary 80hps, chained 40 hps
  • primary 90hps, chained 30hps (or 20)
  • primary 100hps, chained 0 (basically remove the chains)

other than that, remove the infinite ammo. It promotes bad gameplay ,the amount of Mercys pistoling the whole 15s without killing anything is too high! Buff the dmg or projectile speed. Allow Mercy to finish off a low hp target in Valk fast with a few well placed shots, instead of spamming away until eventually killing something after 15s and feeling like you’ve accomplished something.

Tell me which ults requre skill? Blade, Primal Rage… What else? Most of them are just pressing Q at the right time. Same with Mercy.

Sure, Dragonblade is just pressing Q and you get kills.
In terms of skill and involvement Valkyrie and Dragonblade couldn’t be farther apart from each othet.

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Those ults are not nearly as forgiving as Valkyrie. Reaper’s ult is famous for being hard to get value out of, “press Q to respaw” ult. You wanna tell that’s as forgiving as valkyrie?

Valkyrie is BLOATED with skill covering powers, not just one thing, it covers pretty much everything Mercy demands of her players, plus her skill ceiling isn’t that high to begin with.

Imagine if Tac Visor covered not just for aiming, but also positioning, target choice and survivability, that would dumb, and that’s what Valkyrie is.

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Things change fast in the game. What might have been safe may not be as time goes. It’s an ability not an ult. She shouldn’t have such harsh restrictions.

They have a higher skill floor than Mercy. She is an easy hero with an easier ult.
The only thing easier about those other ults is that they don’t aim. Which is required in their normal play. Sombra is a hard hero, why would you want her to be harder to emp?

If that’s how you are playing Mercy, you are playing her wrong I’m afraid. Nothing wrong with Valkyrie or Mercy.

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There’s plenty wrong with Valkyrie, but I seem to be repeating myself at this point.

Compare to press Q for instant reward, Valkyrie is rocket science. Mercy’s skill floor and ceiling were raised since Rez became E and Valk was included as an ultimate.

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