Is to make her ultimate require more skill. It’s sad that her ultimate is also the most boring part of her kit.
The job gets done for me when I ult
Is to make her ultimate require more skill. It’s sad that her ultimate is also the most boring part of her kit.
The job gets done for me when I ult
So like make it harder to use like a nerf?
What do you mean by skill?
Make it require aim?
Make it hard to pull off like shatter?
Something more than just press ult then put the controller down. Adding a fun element
I think he’s basically asking for Blizzard to give Mercy a new ultimate. Honestly I think a lot of Mercy players are okay with this idea, even if it wasn’t Mass Rez or the removed Rez to make Valk and ability without the extra’s duct taped on.
Just make Valkyrie’s powers not cover for so many skill deficiencies. No need to add a big skill demand on her entire kit, just make Valk less forgiving, less bloated and we’re good to go.
Like how?
It’s not rlly a skilless ult if it makes you a bigger and more valuable target but also faster and more useful
No more chain beam so it takes morr target selection, buff single target impact instead.
No more infinite ammo and projectile speed increment, make the pistol more damaging instead.
No more infinite mobility, make GA faster and better instead.
No more infinite constant self heal, give a full health bar on activation or couple of immunity frames instead.
But her whole kit requires no mechanical skill. I mean she’s basically supposed to be a beginner hero. Not sure why all of a sudden she’d require skill. If you want that, play Ana.
A lot of people want to get rid of chain beams and give her a strong single target beam instead.
Whatever skill she takes is covered a lot by Valk, that’s the issue.
You can’t take the hero with one of the smallest skill gaps and give it the most skill- covering bloated ult in game. It makes her play closer and closer to auto-pilot.
You know what I really want for Mercy? The ability to cancel rez. IT’S 2019 WHY IS THIS NOT A THING?
Maybe consider most of these to make it an ability, but it was never really ultimate worthy to begin with. Funny thing was it would seem it was her intended “E” ability in alpha and was removed for “not being fun to use”. So they decided to take a cutting room floor ability and jam it with a bunch of idiotic add-ons, make it last forever and pretend it’s an ultimate.
that’s part of the risk reward. if you know you cant go for the res then dont try.
What would you call the rest of her gameplay where most of the time she doesn’t even need to be literally looking at her target?
Positioning and game sense
Which is taken away in Valkyrie (expect if they have tac or high noon)
She needs a target at least, with Valkyrie she doesn’t need even that, chain beam got that covered for ya.
She needs to GA at least, with Valkyrie she can position at will.
She needs to care for her self heal at least, with Valkyrie she heals constantly.
She needs to aim the pistol to go Battle Mercy, with Valkyrie you can just spam.
Valkyrie is literally designed around covering for skill. That’s fine by default, it just so happens that it’s bloated and clashes with Mercy’s kit.
It’s not about that at all. Sure it’s a risk/reward thing but not being able to cancel when thing change in a split second sucks. It’s more of a QoL thing, idk I think it would be nice.
Mercy’s projectile speed and fire rate are the same in Valkyrie.
Before Mercy 2.0 was released, she had increased damage and fire rate on PTR, but both of these buffs were removed due to Mercy having the highest DPS ultimate in the game (actual lmfao).
I would personally like Valkyrie removed or completely reworked, tbh.
Do you actually play this way or is this hyperbole? Because if so, no wonder you aren’t getting the results you want. Honestly? Shame on people like you for spreading a false narrative in such a way.
I disagree with the notion that Valkyrie doesn’t require skill or is any kind of “spectator mode”. I made a very detailed thread on this a couple of weeks ago with videos attached for the way I use the ability. If you’re looking to get more out of Valkyrie, take a look.