Only about 10% of players want Mercy to stay like this

I just dont think this is true, of all the ow players i know personally, around 8 excluding myself, not a single one wants a change. I just think the data is horribly wrong.

Ok but the person who did the survey repeatedly warned readers that the survey is moot as far as hard number data goes.

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Try this on r/Cow and then post the results.

You’ll find communities have biases due to their SR and mindset.

But then you aren’t pocketing ,and whatever damage your doing is not nearly as good as the 33% on the DPS mentioned above unless you’re using the orb ,which is a CD.

There’s also res ,Moira simply doesn’t compare in terms of pocketing

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Even the surveyor admits that there wasn’t enough data to conclude that that’s what the OW community as a whole wants.

TBH the survey didn’t change anything, it only confirmed what we already knew about mercy-- that mercy mains want something changed (revert or rework) and a majority of people on the forums agree, however people on forums are just a small percentage of OW as a whole.

Again, not really surprised by the results, but like the surveyor said, take it with a hefty grain of salt.

So this

Is very misleading and should be redacted or changed to fit the actual reality of the situation and the survey.

The data set is far too small that its irrelevant.
Also don’t even think it isn’t massively bias.

I wasn’t part of that survey, cool fallacy. :robot:

I don’t think it’s irrelevant, personally. I think it’s a good way to determine what a small percentage of OW players think, however I don’t think it’s fair to say that this survey is an accurate representation of the OW community.

2700 people is not a large sample size in a game where there are millions. And like many have said, the forums have a ton of mercy mains, of course there will be a bias from many people who voted.

This is what you call push polling.

I guess I was being a little loose with the meaning of pocketing. You’re right, point taken.

We can’t just assume that this can be applied to everyone, I’m sure the actual number is more like 30%, but without being able to either survey every player or have a decent randomized survey, just one form isn’t very much evidence.

Funny watching people bicker over the validity of a voluntary survey. The only way you’d be able to reach every player or a large portion of them is by having an in-game survey linked from the main menu. There’s players who only play the game and don’t visit reddit or the forums. And there’s some who only visit the forums and some who only visit reddit. Even if it was a pinned survey on both you’d still get people who ignore it or take it multiple times to either create bias or to troll.

If there was an in-game survey the only way to create bias would be having multiple accounts. Even then people could just ignore it but if you made it mandatory there would be people who just rush through it to get it off their screen. And you can’t incentivize it either cause again people would just rush through it for a free lootbox or whatever.

Large? Are you joking or something? To begin with for results to be consistent this pool would need to be done in game, not in the forums, so that more mixed opinions can be seen. Doesn’t matter how much people deny it, there’s a bias in the forums, that CAN invalidate the results (specially since it’s such a big difference).

Also I have friends that are Mercy mains who have no problem at all with her current state, for a very simple reason: teamwork. I’m a Lúcio main (not off support, barely play Zen and absolutely hate to play Brig). And when I’m playing either him or main tank, my Mercy partner has no problem to do their thing, because I’ll be there to help if needed.

What I see on the forums for the most part is people who want Mercy to be OP again, the amount of valid complaints is so small and kinda hard to find in the middle of the flood.

People have already torn apart the issues with both the statistics gathered and your analysis, but there’s another important thing to consider:

Even if 90% of players want Mercy to change, so what? Even throwing out the fact that all of those players don’t want the same thing, or even changes resembling the same thing (as the survey itself pointed out), the elephant in the room is whether the changes you or anyone else wants are actually good for the game. We can say what we want to see all we want, but it doesn’t matter how many people share that opinion; Overwatch isn’t designed by the players.

If anything close to 90% of players want Mercy to change, then it’s a good indication the developers should try changes to her out. All we can do is indicate what’s wrong with her and give the developers ideas on how to fix her.

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at this point i just want them to remove anything rez related. remove thee voice lines, the highlight intro, everything. they tried making her kit not focus on rez without putting any actual different ability and make rez so that whatever rank you are, the skill you have to have with mercy is the same.

if overwatch isn’t designed by players, why was one of the main reasons for the rework “unfun to play with/against” and them keeping bunny hop due to popular demand :thinking::thinking::thinking:

I think you’re conflating them taking input with actually going with what people want. It’s a survey, not a referendum.