Only a matter of time for 2/2/2! ^^

I think in the end we just have different expectations on what we want from this game. I expect a more laid-back casual shooter with some quirks, while you seems to prefer a more team-oriented tactical game.

I’m all for any game (especially AAA games) to cater to as many players as possible, but before Overwatch, people that wanted the kind of gameplay I enjoy was only found on Team Fortress 2, or some very niche shooters where the actual gameplay is nothing like what the game teaches you. Meanwhile, we have a handful of tactical team-based shooters around, and that specific playerbase have tons of options to choose.

So, while I understand your point, I think making the game more hardcore-focused (which includes making its structure more rigid) is a bad idea because that laidback playerbase have no viable alternative other than go back into TF2, which is a game that is visibly dated.

As someone that quit, I get what you mean. But for casual players (the demographic I believe I fit), “quitting” doesn’t necessarily means “uninstall and never come back”. It just means “I will play when I feel like, and it will no longer be my main game”. I still play Overwatch, but only when friends invite me and I’m not playing anything else. It’s less “heck yeah, let’s play” and more “sure, i’m doing nothing”.

I still played through the events enough to get all skins (it helps that I have a complete gallery, so I only need to pick the new stuff) and the achievements. I’m still interested in the story development. But I no longer do stuff like record and review my games, study game mechanics values, or even care if something is stupidly OP/UP.

That’s why the only fight I’m currently is is the one asking for a flex option on role queue, that depends on your three role SR being close enough to group with each other, and making the teams 1-1-1-3, and slowly changing into 2-2-2 if there isn’t enough flex players queuing at the time.

Thanks for the conversation, and especially for being civil about it.