Only 60 coins a week?

You can be sure that when they were devising this re-monetization, someone at Blizzard had a spreadsheet model of how long players would have to grind for, and they could tweak certain values to watch the time (and revenue) change.

It seems they landed on More Revenue. :sunglasses:

They NEED to add more ways to earn in game currency. Not everyone has wallets full of money.


Corporate greed from Activision higher ups. All they see is money and don’t care about anything else so long as their bottom line is always increasing no matter the long term costs to their properties.

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yeah but i said the problem was the low currency you can generate.

your agreeing with me.

this is a certified overwatch 2 moment


Outside of the battle pass, you don’t earn any currency at all in Fortnite unless you are one of the few people who bought the game before it was popular.

OW2 has a terrible battle pass and monetization system, it speaks for itself, there’s no need to exaggerate or lie about other games.


Activision need to GTFO of Blizzard, Blizzard has lost the ideology of games for gamers, and in doing so lost it’s soul. What they are doing is obscene to say the least, taking advantage of people with addictive personalities to goad them out of their money, shamelessly.


Wouldn’t say they “dropped the ball”, they are doing exactly what they intended to do, and that is to make a quick short term cash grab. They have a acquisition being finalized in a few quarters. So they want boost that stock value and P/E ratio as much as they can for the evaluation. Its not just OW2 they are rushing out with this model. They are doing it with everything.

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They really sucks man.

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I know, it’s OG battlefront 2 levels of sweatshop. in overwatch 1 you could get a legendary skin in a day or two if you really wanted it, here it’s not even an option to earn new skins anymore it’s pay for the battlepass or you get nothing, no coins, no skins no anything, unless of course you wanna make overwatch 2 your full time job for over half a year to get ONE skin for your character it’s rediculous.

It’d be different for me if it were even POSSIBLE to generate enough coins per season with the challenges to buy a battlepass every season because then the grind would be almost worth it, but as it stands this is a direct downgrade from the original overwatch and i hate that this is what it got replaced with


This one gets it and the fact so many people talk about it all the time means it is working. Fomo in action.

You’re missing the part about they releasing 30+ every season. So if you grind every weekly for 4 seasons you should have enough to buy A SINGLE LEGENDARY, while in the meantime 120+ were released. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it?


Just remember skins don’t matter and aren’t content, they clearly are not part of the game so it is fine if they over charge for them and use FOMO tactics! :clown_face:

Honestly just bring back loot boxes and screw all of this, literally.


but apex still gives you something when you level up…overwatch 2 doesnt do that anymore…they need to fix the progression to give us something. the 60 coins a week are an unacceptable joke, at this point some kind of free only lootbox that you have 0 chance of paying money on would be fine. they were gonna do it before and now they have gone full blown cashgrab with 6 year old skins costing more than most indie games…no thanks. they are trying to put things back in pandora’s box. that box was opened years ago. considering how similar this game is to overwatch 1.

I think they did this to see if they could get away with it and if we keep up the noise over it they will have no choice but to change something. they have said this is a “live beta” which is BS speak for we want money now and to finish it later. we dont have to pay QA if our players QA for us…

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For every one of you complaining about high skin prices on these forums, some whale is going to spend 1000s of dollars buying up every skin and cosmetic they can, and that’s what determines these prices. Average consumers are not the target audience in F2P games anymore.

I guarantee you market research was done on these prices. They know who their players are and they know there are people willing to spend hundreds, if not thousands on silly outfits in an online game. They might not say anything on these forums, but whales exist.

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especially in a game where the cosmetics are the entire reason to keep playing…they cant put everything back in the box its been open for over 6 years…

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Why would you guys think of buying individual skins instead of the BPs? The BP is so much better in terms of value than individual skin prices which have been jacked up.

if we could earn at least 200 coins per week then it would be nice. Considering that the battle pass took 2 months, it could please everyone.

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I’m sure it gets the whales’ money, but for me, it kind of kills interest in the cosmetic content they’re making.


yeh im not going to get even those lol.
dont care for doing some of those weekly missions.
i rather buy stuff straight up