Only 5 heroes that are bottom 10 pickrate all ranks (PC)

Bastion, Pharah, Sombra, Symmetra, Torbjorn

These heroes are either:
not good to play in most circumstances (from bronze to GM)
not fun to play

Bastion and Pharah have the condition that they are EXTREMELY reliant on another character (Orisa/Mercy respectively) to have a chance of being a viable pick at against coordinated teams.

What do you think should be done with these heroes?


Nothing, I like them the way they are but wouldn’t mind sym nerfs reverted.


Because Damage heroes have a base 2/16 chance of being picked (instead of 2/7 or 2/8)

It’s not a fair comparison.

You should be talking about the bottom eight heroes (4 Damage, 2 Support and 2 Tank)


Fun is a massively subjective word.

But on the topic, niche heroes aren’t really bad. Just very particular on maps and team comps. I guess every game is going to have some niche/outliers that will never truly affect the game no matter how many versions they change. Other than give Sym back some of her old buffs, there isn’t a whole lot that can be done to them that would throw them into broken range.

theres nothing wrong with being situational…heck i think it makes them even more fun when youre succeeding even when most people would say you shouldnt be…

using which source tho?
overbuff? not all that relevant because most people hide their profiles

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You know when they do a census or a survey you can gather statistics from those even though they don’t survey EVERY PERSON in the country right?

A slice of pie is usually representative of the rest of the pie unless you have some other factor such as “Orisa mains don’t hide profiles ever but Sombra mains hide profiles in 90% of cases”

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Not if it is half cherry and half blueberry and you get a slice of the cherry half.

There is no way of knowing how much data is missing or what that data would tell us, so that’s why it is irrelevant. It is pretty much as the example you described only we have no idea.

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Bastion could use a rebalance for him to be stronger on his own, and less so combo’d with other hero picks as a deathball, and possibly dive, counter, but he currently does work well as a surprise pick. Tighten up his sentry cone for better aim=better damage instead of wasting time firing for it, make his ult either activate faster or tank mode last longer, and i think he’d be okay then.


Pharah could use a small splash buff imo, but she also should be a skirmisher for the skies, punishing players in the open and grouped up enemies; i wouldnt mind her being a bunker counter either if she say, had a passive where she was horizontally faster in the air after using jets. With good aim she’s quite deadly now, but otherwise is kind of just a mosquito.


I dunno what the hell they’re doing with Sombra. I know they may have intended her to be a teamplayer, but her flunctuating balances and nerfs were a bit far. Her powerful hack screams generalist picker who’s, for the most part, skillbased on opportunity and hack cd management. People are just mad that they cant super jump or evade easily with her around, I would not really see anything but reverts for her being benificial.


Sym, I admit, is probably my least experienced hero atm along with Genji so take this with a grain of salt. If I had to guess, I’d want her to be an antiflank builder. Her turrets were unnecessarily nerfed a bit, make them deploy faster, and lock into targets quicker. I’d also say try to experiment and extend her TP range a bit. Maybe put 2 TP’s on seperate cd’s to manually place the entrance or exit, but killing one restarts the overall cd of the next one? I dunno, i think her buildings should be beefier and work stronger.


Torb is soooo close to being good imo. He was quite a tank buster, but m2 was nerfed to where it wasnt really worth using outside of 1v1ing Roadhog. As nooby as it sounds I want his turret to be a thing to fear, and it should be stronger, and make him more of his intended antiflank. Give some new turret mechanics to make it less easy to use, like ammo replinish or upgrading. Make the hammer more than an ‘out of ammo’ card like he was meant to be. Toss the new turret, on extended cd, on top if the deployed one to lvl the turret up from 1 and 2, and give a health boost, but keep damage and scale it down lvl1 and up3 more. Lots of stuff we could try. The point is that the turret could use love, its mediocre to deal with in this age.

This from a guy who peaked in plat but doesnt play comp as often, so take it with a grain of salt i spose. But lets not forget there will always be a bottom. We can only try to fill the gaps and make the gauge shallower.

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Is a stationary target with a massive hitbox while in Sentry mode his primary source of damage. Blizzard should rework him so he can use his minigun while moving albeit at a slow pace even if it means giving his minigun a nerf.

The Heavy from TF2 is a good example of how I imagine a reworked Bastion to function. No, I’m being serious. Bastion would be more viable and interesting to play if you can move and shoot.

More Air-control/strafing. Pharahs aren’t really that hard to hit due to the predictability of their movements. Giving them more freedom and control while in the air will give them more ways to dodge shots.

She needs a rework into a more active high-risk, high-reward playstyle. Right now she fells far too passive and dumbed down.

Revert the nerfs

No idea to be honest with you.

But can be measured objectively across a population as to how fun they think something is.

Fair but do we have ANY reason to presume that the data IS skewed? I think this random sampling of profiles should be okay and that throwing out all the data is dumb without any real reason. Also, the data gathered isn’t fixed. We’re constantly getting updates with new data.

Back when private profiles were quite recent, there was a banner on the front page of the site from the admins saying the data is inaccurate and there is no way of knowing what data is missing.

Most polls don’t garner more than 10-15% of a population but are generally close enough to a specific trend that they’re correct.

There’s very few outliers

Family Feud is a prime example; how easy it is to get the top answer, but harder to get the lower ones, but only asked 100 random people.

Sure but what if someone comes along and steals half of your data, picking and choosing the parts they want to remove. How accurate is the data now?

I’m usually pretty good at Pharah but she’s just suicidal lately. Even a single Baptiste who can aim is enough to force you to switch and theres so much healing it’s extremely difficult to kill anything. To say nothing of Hanzo or hitscans.

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What is being removed or picked and chose?

Like what?

If you went and polled a street of people, only going to every even numbered house, you would collect enough data to form a general opinion of the street without having to poll every single person.

That’s how most polls work. They literally cannot ask everyone, and some people refuse to participate. You work with what key major trends you see and go from there.

Overbuff HAS been shown in the past to be VERY close to what the internal Blizzard data has gathered as well.

So unless Blizzard releases their internal data, sites like Overbuff are close enough to correct that a few points up or down simply don’t matter

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There’s no way of knowing.

Which data have they shown to corellate? Was that data from before private profiles?

Like I flat do not understand this crazy conspiracy theory you have here? lol WHAT??

The sites collect data from open profiles, and creates the statistics from there. The exact same way a Government run poll does it.

When they get an Approval rating for the President, do you really think they ask every single American? Of course not, that’s insane. Heck even 100,000 people would be overkill.

Also the did one from before private profiles, and after and they were pretty much the same give or take a place (Like Ana being number 2 under Reinhardt, when Reinhardt was number 2 under Ana)

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So you’re just gonna ignore my questions and go on a rant instead. Well okay.