Only 31 topics posted this year in Story Discussion

Honestly debating if it’s worth posting anything there anymore.

We are likely not getting anymore story for likely another year.

And people don’t seem to want to talk about the story anymore.

(Didn’t get alot of responses here off the bat anyway.)

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I mean over the years the story has moved at a snails pace and its mostly just been backstory stuff. Besides theorizing there isnt much else to talk about.


Or it’s just discussed in here…but ven if it wasn’t and people stuck to story forum….what’s there to discuss? It’s not a story driven game so they only give you the bare minimum…enough to create the world in which the game takes place but nothing much beyond that……

At least for now anyway….the pve side is going to require them to do more so hopefully that forum livens up a bit once they have to actually push the story

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Wait, there’s a story? Is it the thing about the spy being the scout’s father?


A year seems like an exaggeration. I don’t think they’ll unleash any new story content until a few years after the sun dies. Even then it’ll be something little like “Symmetra’s gay y’all!” and everyone will complain.

No new lore, too much gameplay problems that are more argent to talk about, most people talk in general anyways, conent dry and players amount especially the ones in the forums decrease by quite a lot.

I’m pretty sure I see the same 6-10 people in the forums over and over with some new faces every now and then…

Instead of talking about why not, would love to see reasons why should people talk in them. Would be easier to list.

Which is kind of sad, because there’s so much potential with this game:

  • The Queen wanting to expand her territory by purging the “weak and complacent” in Australia (with the aid of Talon).
  • Ashe seeking to reign in the American underworld as its boss of the criminal empire (also a beneficiary in arms dealing for Talon).
  • Symmetra combating the corruption in Viskhar and becoming its new CEO by the end of it all.
  • Figuring out what the Doomfist mantle even is (how does one earn the title?).

The list goes on, but I think you get the idea.

I had to push about 3-4 topics about the new Meka member abilities before people started taking interest 3-4 hours later. (And by then was busy at work.)

Tbh I’m surprised you got replies in the story forums in the first place. Didn’t know players write there…

…technically I haven’t this year.

Hopefully with ow2 focusing much more on pve, maybe much more lore would be discussed.
Idk what direction they would take the lore but while I hate the pvp direction, I might really enjoy the story and animations of the pve.

If there’s one thing blizzard know how to do well is good animations.

You gotta keep in mind also that not everyone cares about the story or has any interest in discussing it. Like, I love the game, I have 3000 or so hours spent playing it, but the story? It’s just filler to me, background, it’s nice and interesting, but I’m certainly not watching the animated shorts over and over or reading the comics more than once if at all. I just enjoy playing the game.

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There were less posts in the Xbox LFG.

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Tbf Xbox has its own LFG built into the console UI, so that’s not surprising.

Wait… Isn’t Overwatch on the Switch?

Where the Switch LFG?

Well, most of the people who were interested in lore left. Story has been pretty stagnate for years, with an occasional comic series or short story. Additionally, many lore fans were casual players, and there hasn’t been much to generate interest among the casual base for a few years either.

A lot of key aspects of the game have been left to languish for far too long. It’s going to be an uphill battle getting some of the old playerbase back.


Neglected. This is an absolute outrage. I will sue

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Exactly. While I still find Overwatch lore interesting, it’s taken a back precedent to the lore of other games such as Valorant, League of Legends, and Genshin Impact (and somewhat Fortnite).

Note that out of those four, I only play one (Genshin Impact).

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Hilariously enough, used to make jokes about real Fortnite (not BR) having more lore than Overwatch. Been a few years since I played real Fortnite. Their lore must dwarf Overwatch lore now. Sigh.

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Minecraft Survival Games flashbacks.