Oni skin for Winston

Winston lacks more “serious” skins, so I think a skin based off of an One from Japanese folklore would be really cool. It could basically be whatever color the devs want, and works great with his armor.


that’s nightmare fuel

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I acturally think he needs more funny skins to suit his personality.

No I don’t like that! Leave my cute cuddly husbando alone! :gun:

That face!

I don’t think an oni skin would look “serious” on a gorilla and honestly doesn’t suit his character.

The Sun Wukong skin is pretty “serious” if you ask me.

I would love this!! In my opinion I dont really like winstons skins, beside Wukong they all just kinda blend in with each other.
That skin would be so creepy and scary I love it!!

Why not Wereape for Halloween ?

I hear angry squeaking from the distance.

Because that’s not an invincible beast from the far east.

Werewolf Doomfist then ?

he uses claws instead of punching

Sure I guess? I wouldn’t were it though.

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