Onfire mechanic removed from OW2?

The On-fire meter is directly tied to a passive ability in my workshop custom game. I heard that it was removed from the game. Can I get a confirmation?

I’d also like to know if the stat is still being tracked by the game and simply not visually shown, because if it isn’t, it’s going to cause problems for me, as I kinda need it.

The idea is to replace it with a damage over time variable tracker, but I would also like to know if it is possible to track the amount of damage dva eats so I can keep things as similar as possible to how they were.

Doubt they are removing it. It actually does exist in the current beta and you can hear their voice lines for chars saying they are on fire even for the new hero. But I’m pretty sure the new UI just doesn’t show it.

Doesn’t matter. Turns out the workshop isn’t available in the beta anyway.