One tricks part of the game

This is the worst thing I’ve read until now on this forum

I was responding to the torb player. Never called you a 1 trick.

And yet the comparison is not wrong.

There are laws and jail to forbit and prevent to kill someone. While this game isn’t clear at all if you can or can’t one trick. If Devs really wanted a game with no one tricks they should have done a different game with different mechanics, where changing hero should have been clearly necessary. But this game has no rules, no mechanics, no punishments that clearly say that you can’t one trick. This is why one trickers can’t really know if they’re going against the game and other players or not, and so this is the difference between them and killers. And this Hero pool is against everyone, not only against one trickers, actually, I think a main healer/tank maining 4/5/6 heroes will be more hurted by this change than a one tricker. I don’t like one trickers but they just want to have fun with the game, instead, I think devs should decide if just get rid of one trickers and stop, or make one tricking less problematic and everyone would be happy.

Ah yes let’s compare people that ruin families and steal lives to people who play whatever they like in a video game without listening to you… Are you serious?

They pretty much summed this up best, but also how about you quit giving these types of players the victim card " Oh no they can’t play another hero but they are amazing at this one hero." Well hey news flash! if you continue to only practice and play one hero then the enemy has a OT too that is your counter you are no longer a team mate you are a liability to your team.

You basically become a feeding troth for the enemy and their ults and your team has every right to be angry with you.

You took your enjoyment over the game and put it over your team.

Plus lets face the fact you put yourself in this situation by not learning more than one hero before entering comp.

So you aren’t the victim of circumstances, you are the flame to your own stick of dynamite.

So stop trying to make excuses for them.

Sigh… are comparisons really that hard for you guys?

I’m not saying that murderers and 1tricks are one in the same.

What I was saying is that both of those groups have similar traits and both of those groups are disliked by a large part of the population.

Serial killers and 1tricks:
Only care about their own enjoyment - :ballot_box_with_check:
Their enjoyment comes at the expense of others - :ballot_box_with_check:
They are gonna keep doing regardless of how it affects others - :ballot_box_with_check:
Strongly disliked by others - :ballot_box_with_check:
Government/devs do not support their behavior - :ballot_box_with_check:

Are one tricks really so dense that they cannot understand this? Or does being triggered take away any remnants of rational thinking?

Oh and btw

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Hero pool is not meant to make OTPs swap. Try to understand what Blizzard is trying to achieve before getting mad for the wrong reason.

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this got nothing to do with otp, im a meme poster

If they care about their enjoyment it doesn’t mean they don’t try their best for their teams

Their enjoyment is what bring them to become really good at their hero and become useful player, but not in every situation for sure


If a one tricker is really really good he will be loved by his teammates

They don’t support them but at the same time they don’t try to stop them, instead of with killers.

No, there are too many differences, they can’t be compared

Once band drop, they’re gonna have to switch.

Those things are often mutually exclusive since more often than not the one trick plays a hero that doesn’t fit into the current composition.

One tricks keep saying that, but in reality, that’s simply not true. They are usually only as useful as the other players of the same rank, but with much less versatility. So, in the end, they’re actually worse than an average player at that rank.

Tolerated would be a more accurate term. As soon as the map or your/enemy’s comp become unfavorable to the one trick, they will start being a burden to their team.

They don’t stop them because if they did they would be alienating a chunk of an already dwindling game population. Saying that they do not encourage one tricking is as close as they’re gonna get to telling people not to one trick because they don’t want to offend their player base more than they already are.

Either way, the statement that both serial killers and one tricks are not supported by the “authorities” is still correct.

They can be compared and i just proved that. It doesn’t matter how different two things are, they can still be compared.

Apples to oranges. Stalin to Gandhi. Moon to green peas. Anything!

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Two-way street.

When a one-trick tries to order me around and tells me what to play/pick and what i’m doing wrong, I will remind them that they are the same (if not worse) for being selfish.

As long as they’re nice, I don’t care if they one trick. But if you cop a cruddy attitude, then I will care.

Try to find a better comparison next time

Try to make sure that your drool doesn’t hang all the way down to your midget knees before calling others retarded.

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And yet you’re the one unable to come up with an actual argument to prove that my comparison is wrong. Not only that but you’re cannot even come up with a proper insult.


Says the guy with 300+ levels exclusively on torb. XD
I’ve seen 5year olds that are better liars.

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I do not have any hate against one tricks. If they were so bad, being one would be a bannable offense. But it isn’t. Let people play who they want, Overwatch is just some dumb game anyway. If people get into arguments as heated as this over a video game, maybe it’s time to take a break.

Even if this isn’t your only account it doesn’t change the fact that you’ve 1 tricked torb for more than 300 levels. And is that the only insult that your salty torb butt knows?

I really don’t care about the argument at hand. Stop throwing that insult around, it’s tacky and childish. Grow up and learn to have a disagreement.

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A mod is going to delete it. However, kindly butt out and mind your business

Do you bother arguing with serial killlers to stop murdering?