One tricks part of the game

OTP exist everywhere dont be surprised and stop whining doesnt matter what u tell them theyre not gonna switch, just deal with it. Wasted effort trying to make them swap


Serial killers also exist and they mostly don’t plan on stopping doing what they’re doing. Does that mean we don’t hate to do anything about them?


comparing serial killer with otp never seen such a stupid example


Dont worry if hero pools will be out, in weeks your hero is not locked, set profile to private, and if someone tell you to switch say that your main is locked this week and you cant do that


OTPs are the same rank as us. They’re annoying, but they win.
But now, we have that Torb OT soft throwing on Mccree because he can’t aim…


At their core their pretty much the same. Both only care about their own enjoyment which they get at the expense of others and will keep doing what they do unless someone stops them .

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oh i can aim :slight_smile: but i know what you mean by “soft” throwing. though I agree we may be annoying but we win and we also are a breathe of fresh air away from the meta slaving game back to back to back… some people just will always hate OTP’s though.


ypur logic is stupid to begin with


Except we won’t see Torb banned, since it isn’t random, it is targeted at the meta.

Torb would have to be meta for that to happen.

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This assumes that:

  1. We have complete grasp of everything Jeff has recently stated.
  2. Jeff did provide incorrect info. Which he has done. A lot.
  3. They don’t spontaneously change their intentions.
  4. When the Balance Gerbil’s cheeks are squeezed and the ball pops out and rolls along roulette wheel, it doesn’t accidentally land on heroes that it shouldn’t.
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Yep, that pretty much is the assumptions. Some weeks will be a mess.

They have the right to onetrick, but I don’t think they have the right to have their onetrick playstyle affect game balancing and/or features.

They are already being selfish by sticking to 1 hero, even if the hero doesn’t work, and I do think there should be a bigger downside with it. Right now is there the risk of their hero being taken, which can lead to leavers and throwers, but with the hero pool system do they basically have no choice. It’s either playing a different gamemode, pick another hero or not playing at all.

So just like we have to deal with them and their selfish picks, do they have to deal with this system. There is no sympathy from me. :man_shrugging:

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I’m a Sombra one trick. Gold border in Plat. If she’s not available I’ll play Torb, D.VA, Zen, Bastion, Wrecking Ball, Ana, etc.

A “one trick” could be someone like me who just put a LOT of time on one hero. It doesn’t mean I’m joining games, hard locking a hero, and leaving VC.


Torb has always been meta in every rank that has poor accuracy!

You kinda would expect so, but his pick rates in the low ranks isn’t great.

McCree / Hanzo / S76 are picked over him.

Hell Widow is picked over him in Bronze.

Low elo players be crazy :wink:

Torb IS a beast, so I don’t get what they are trying to do there.

That’s cause they get flamed for playing an “OP hero” hehe.

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One tricks are serial killers confirmed?

I’m coaching a team made up of Bronzies (well, they are not in bronze now, because they are doing well) - Their team set up is pretty much Reaper / Zarya / Brig.

The Reaper runs at the enemy, with a Bubble and 2 Health packs shoved on him.

That is the beginning and end of the tactic.

Also, since they started doing this, they haven’t lost a match yet :wink: - they blew through silver, are are in gold.

It seems that Reaper with an extra 200 health from the bubble, 75 armor, and 150 health over the next few seconds from repair pack is dangerous :wink:

Low ranked metas can be dangerous :wink:

Weirdly enough, no one has complained at them.

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Yep! It’s official now.

He is on his right play whatever he want but… “Im on my RIGHT” of throw the match, avoid him, report him and send his name on my discord to warn the 500 + players there about this dude.

So yeah keep one-tricking