One tricking in competitive play should be a reportable offense

i’m gonna be a one trick widowmaker even though i know i am bad at widow and will miss every shot and they other team is running dive

i will only play torb even if we have no shields and the other team directly counters me

i will only play genji even if they have a torb sym monkey and pharah

see what the problem is… one tricking should be a reportable offense in competitive play if you want to only play hanzo in quick play sure go right ahead

overwatch is a team game and should be played like a team game switching when you are being countered is part of this game

EDIT: one tricking isn’t a reportable offense yet i’ve seen a couple comments about people reporting one tricks jeff has said in the past one tricking is not reportable people aren’t doing anything wrong if they one trick (for now) so stop reporting them until we hear that the rules change

it specifically is says under the griefing sabotage section that refusal to switch is not a reportable offense


Winston is hungry


Nah. It’s legal. One tricking is fine and helps you climb faster


As a Mercy main I am reporting this post for harassment


Overwatch is a team game, that’s why if a teammate isn’t performing up to my standards, they should be sentenced to death.

Because I’m a team player.


Dont worry , it is. Not official, but it is. Ive been one tricking symmetra for awhile. I have an avarage of 3-4 ban per season. Even tho my win rate is around 70% with her. Normally i get like 3 reports , before the match has even started.


I one tricked for several seasons and let me tell you, no it does not. I wish I didn’t one trick mercy for so long. I need to branch out. I’ve been in diamond for since about season four or so.


You’re completely ignoring (probably willfully, because otherwise, you wouldn’t really have a point) the people who one-trick without being a detriment to their team.


Then you will deservedly stay in low Bronze and there’s no need to be banned.


funny thing is i’m no where near bronze it’s annoying when i get one trick mercy widow and hanzo on my team it’s annoying


it is. who told you that its not?

jeff said that it wasn’t


Duh, you aren’t a one-trick Widow who can’t hit the broad side of a battleship. I was talking about your hypothetical example.

Although I do agree one tricking is stupid. Making it a bannable offence is too far. Blizzard needs to incentivize flexing and learning new heroes. I think there should be weekly challenges like play X games as this hero/role to get loot boxes.


If you report people for not switching to an other hero if their onetrick hero does not work, you should have the right to report everyone who does not switch if he is bad with the hero he picked or the hero is not useful in the current situation … i would have to report at least 2 people each game.


But it already is…? I’ve got hundreds of one tricks banned just by reporting them at start of match


But then they are playing on an equal skill level to you… does that mean they are good or are you bad ? :thinking:


And by the way … i never saw anyone complaine about a main healer or tank onetricks … it’s always the offmetas or dps onetricks.


People have traditionally complained often about Mercy mains, but mostly in the context of them being horrible at the other healers they are forced to play when she was nerfed. You’re right though, no one complains about the Soldier: 76 main or the Reinhardt main. They can be absolutely terrible but no one will blame the loss on them. I’ve had this happen several times where I’m actually doing great as an off-meta hero, but we’re still losing. And rather than placing blame on the McCree or D.Va who are terrible, the blame always lands on me. It doesn’t matter if I bring up that my ult is the only reason we captured the first point, it doesn’t matter if I bring up the fact that I have all the relevant medals for my role; it’s always the fault of the person playing a “niche” character.

Metaslaves have no concept of the game is really going because they’re already tilted and unreasonable at the beginning of the match.


I’d rather the person who is on their best character to the one who sucks at X role any day. #OneTricksUnite