Can they properly nerf one shots? aka widow, hanzo AND zen right click
Good widows still absolutely run lobbies because they can click heads, forcing everyone to change or play entirely different way, dying to hanzo spam is just straight up annoying everyone agrees on that, and a random zen volley is just the same as hanzo.
im all for abolishing one shots as long as they make the heroes viable
maybe widow as an ashe 2.0, dont know about hanzo but they would have to nerf healing a tad too maybe. burst dps is a must with the way sustain is
This. If you only do trickle damage. No one will die. A pocketed DPS, Tank, flank hero with crazy evasive abilities, dive heroes, you need to keep them in check by having burst damage or else they’ll just dip in and out forever. I’d imagine heroes like Ball or DF would have a field day if they took out burst.
How many times do we have to tell you one shots are completely fine if they require skill which all of them do?
They need to change widows damage to lower.
300 is too much, it’s no wonder she can rule when she can take tanks down easily with their big heads.
Not even sure why they gave her 300 to begin with.
Also, it has ruined all open queue modes (every mode besides role queue) because she can 1 shot tanks.
No idea how they don’t see this as a problem.
LOL ZEN ONE SHOT, bruh it takes 5 full balls charged to kill, when discord it take a charge of 2 balls and also 2 shot normally to even get a kill, and 3 shots normally with no discord to get a kill LOL ZEN ONE SHOT
they wont just liekt hey wont nerf bastion
They don’t just run lobbies. They literally ruin the entire game
Do something about aimbots and third party software. People pretend they players aren’t using them but they really are. That would solve a lot of problem but it would also mean fewer players. Some people can’t play without cheats.
It’s really not. Maybe they should add one of those noob tips that say “Killing the support will make it easier to kill the person they’re healing.”
Sustain isn’t the issue when people just ignore the healers and tickle the tank all game, then wonder why they haven’t killed anything
Unless healing across the board get nerfed, hanzo and zen become hitscan with a faster fire rate then one shots gotta stay in the game. At this moment in time, one shots are a necessary evil to any of the mercy pockets, the illari turret healing, the ana pockets etc. healing has gotten out of hand and hitscans are insanely consistent and easy to use that projectile heroes are trash. So unless hanzo gets a massive boost to his fire rate and his projectile speed including zen then its gotta stay. As for widow, healing needs to be heavily toned down if you really want a non one shot widow and you also gotta draw the line between ashe and widow. No one would ever use widow over ashe if she gets her one shot removed. Unless you have some solutions than just complaining about it on the forums, its a waste time asking for one shots to be removed because you had a bad game.
i dont think one shots are the problem…its the range of skill level that gets put into matches where people of masters level are messing with low skilled players who dont know how to deal with those one shot type characters
I don’t think it’s an issue anymore especially when you break it down as below.
out of all your “one-shot” deaths,
remove all the ones done by cheaters.
remove all the ones where you were not at full health. (as its technically not a one shot)
remove all the ones that are not self inflicted. by this i mean you are standing in the open staring at clouds, or fail to notice, Hanzo sonic arrow, widow alt active or a Zen charging his orbs.
what is left, generally the pure lucky shots that get you. which is not often.
in most cases you get taken out buy these heroes not aware you are not full health
They are no longer oppressive to the point where like Widow could hold back an entire team without any risk. and if it turns out they are dominating landing constant headshots and are in default skins, check the replay good chance they be cheating.
The ratio of being killed by Hanzo intentionally vs on accident is unreal
No, stop trying to ruin the game because you suck at playing dive. It’s very satisfying hitting a five-kill headshot combo.
If that happens, healing needs to be reduced. Or at the very least, the way Paladins handles healing in combat needs to be considered. (Take damage, your healing received is reduced for 1.5 seconds) but even that would need to be tweaked because of Overwatch’s comparatively faster TTK
If they were ever going to rework Widowmaker… which I’m not saying they should, I actually couldn’t care less either way, but if they did… it would have to be something like this probably:
- her first shot on someone puts a Damage Over Time on the player
- if she hits them again, the remaining DOT damage is done all at once along with some base number
- Body shots would be lower in DOT damage than headshots and have lower base damage, obviously
- if a headshot is followed by a body shot, then the remaining DOT damage is halved
- If a body shot is followed by a headshot, then the remaining DOT damage is increased by 50%.
Maybe something like this. Probably not gonna happen though.
open queue is irrelevant for balancing.
And its not Widows fault, that some tanks got nerfed to 300hp. she has 300dmg since the beginning of Overwatch.
Its the Devs fault to not think about it. Why not implement a 25% Hp nerf for the Tanks?
people who complain about one shots need to go learn how to play shooter games and then come back to OW when they understand how to not get shot.
It already got nerfed.
If you still can’t handle it, additional nerfs won’t matter, because no matter how much they nerf it by, chances are you still won’t be able to handle it.