ONE part they forgot to mention LOL

in their timeline anology of changes they DIDNT INCLUDE the season 9 changes. increased health, increased bullet/projectile size and uhh what was another thing… forgot

by far the craziest of all probably right?

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Not really that big of a change all things considered. A couple characters are notably effected, everyone else just has a bit more to spam

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not really i do miss actually one shotting a lot of things with widow. of course people like that change, maybe moreso than people like me that miss old widow

its opinions of course and yea it does feel a tad different

also the recent tank changes could be added… kinda big

It was a bigger change than role queue. From competitive shooter to party game in one update… I only survived because Reinhardt is the perfect hero to play a party game with.

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They often like to pretend real issues dont exist until it pokes them good, wait a few more seasons, it took them 2 years to talk about 6v6 lol


wait… did they mention anything about passives in that blog? that was another big change

i mean ROLE WIDE passives effect heroes differently in each role, maybe benefitting certain heroes than others in that specific role

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some may argue the sombra virus rework was A BIG change as well lmao… i mean the amount of sombra threads after

I feel like you don’t actually believe that and ate instead just aiming to market Reinheardt at me

And his new hammer!? Blizz employee confirmed


Yea, I think they were focusing more on big format changes in that timeline.
5v5 is 5v5 no matter the health, passives or balance leaning, but 6v6 OG No limits, 6v6 Open Queue, and 6v6 Role queue are more different formats.
Fighting 6 Winstons is very different balance wise to fighting 1 Winton backed by 5 DPS and that’s still notably different from 1 Winston backed by a D.Va 2 DPS and 2 Supports. The passives and health changes are more nerfs and buffs, not the addition or subtraction of a team member or role player.