One Hour per Day

They only said specific heroes. Things like “block 250000” damage with a shield as a tank are still on the table.

Also any DPS quest is unacceptable due to queue times.

I completed this year a few BP in paladins. The most XP are from the games and not the quests. Games are around 40-70k while the highest quests are 100k XP I think. So I completed them pretty fast with just playing with a friend.

Yes but this would also force you to play specific heroes… but I see what you mean.

100% there will be DPS quests. I mean the most people play DPS :wink:

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I hate the 24 tier change. Ever since they made it i feel less motivated to grind the pass. Compared to 100 tiers, the 24 take barely less time to grind, and the rewards at 70% of the tiers are still dookie.

You’ll spend 4 hours for one tier just to get a spray or player icon and its just like “…Am i supposed to feel rewarded??”


What “things that you don’t enjoy” are you being forced to play? I would assume your mains are all still available to play, do you not enjoy them?

Yeah I agree. But the pass is also just 5 bucks or so. Really low for the price but they also dont really put effort in it. For 20 bucks you can buy the already completed one…

Being this close to OW2 with 0 transparancy on what the hell is going on is a very amateur move on behalf of Blizzard.


Especially since now instead of 4 skins we get 2 with 2 recolors and the other 2 “themed” skins are locked in chests.

100% agree.
It really isn’t an issue.


Might not be an issue*

We’re not sure how they’ll handle it yet.


Another way of thinking about this

An hour a day, per account

Meaning if you buy a phone number to smurf, every alt account is another hour per day you gotta commit every season to keep using that alt in ranked :wink:


True. Which makes you wonder what people are upset about.

Odd to get angry about something youve assumed or made up… (For now)


I take the leaks with a grain of salt and actually expect them to be false, but I gotta say. This contrarian stance you always seem to take is frustrating. You seem to gravitate towards “wait, so the more vocalized opinion is this? You’re all wrong, here is why your subjectivity is wrong and mine is right!”

You can express why you’re not unhappy without consistently attempting to invalidate the reasons people are frustrated.


So you’re saying it will be harder to smurf… Please explain why that’s a bad thing.

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Less than 10% of the players in a f2p game are actually spending any money.

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are you assuming I’m saying it’s a bad thing? :grin:

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Cool story.

Still waiting for you to say something positive.

You remember when we had people on here complaining about the event epic challenges because it took them too much time to do on all of their alts? Lol good times

The very prospect of heroes being locked by ACTIVISION is enough for some people. Can’t say i blame them. Company doesn’t exactly have a… clean record.

You’re aware almost every battle pass forces you to play roles, do certain things, and play game modes you won’t necessarily enjoy just so you can progress, right?

They don’t require it. They just make it infuriatingly slow otherwise.

Let me rephrase it.

If you want to complete it in time and not no life the game, they’re required.

If OW follows the Valorant model where quests don’t expire and they’re simple things like “use your ult x times” I’d have very few complaints. But most games don’t use that model so I’m being as vocal as I can be so that hopefully it’s a fairer model.