One game youre a god, the next a peasant

Worse part is your team mates walking right into LOS of double sniper over and over.

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Even QP is a horror show 15 games lost in a row and going, cant even FRIGGING finish these god awful win games with each role… these devs are clueless and dont care about fun


Its all part of the plan to make folks spend more money. Want access to the new heroes? Oh only 30 wins? Sure lets give it a go! Then you realize you get these losing streaks and games that are too obviously “matched” in a way for you to lose getting rolled.

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True. But also the fact that there is way too much damage in this game, makes it hard to outheal things if your target is being solely focused by the enemy team. Though it makes sense since the purpose of OW2’s pvp aspect was lower ttk


Matchmaker: “It’s your turn to be obliterated for four matches in a row!”

Me: "Yes honey…:yawning_face: :face_exhaling: "


I mean, I’ve been telling people about this for months…

Im telling you! They force win/ loss. Ever since the game became free to play, they only want to keep players addicted long enough to buy the BP etc.

Blizz could truly care less about the actual player experience, only care about :moneybag:

Matchmaker: Now get in position! ‘cracks whip’
And you better not scream, or else you get the gag!

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lmao sorry it’s not relevant but before I clicked on this post I thought you were talking about the titles we got from completing battlepass.
The final one of season 2 is Ancient Titan or something like that, while the first one in season 3 bp is Peasant :joy:

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What in the world are you talking about?

Do you mean their server hosting? Because that has literally nothing to do with matchmaking.

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there is no MM without hosting. so, yes. it does.

I think you’re very confused about how matchmaking and server hosting work. The goal of a matchmaker is to logically group players together. Once that is done it merely spins up a server at one of those locations. Amazon and Google did not write any part of the matchmaker.

A product can be composed of multiple intendent pieces. Your statement is like saying “OW runs on Windows therefore Blizzard outsourced the development of OW to Microsoft”

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never stated such. ow outsourced the hosting of MM to companies with 0 multiplayer network experience. rather than contracting with quality server providers with multiplayer network familiarity.
which should result in better multiplayer experience. MM is only as good as its hosting.

Matchmaking has quite literally nothing to do with server hosting. The only dependency between the MM and the server hosting is that the matchmaker depends on servers being available so that it can host the match that it found people for. The only factor about server hosting even remotely relevant to the matchmaking process is server location, which has nothing to do with WHO is hosting the servers. The quality of the hosting service only has an impact on reliability.

Neither Amazon nor Google have anything to do with the matchmaking.

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ah yeah. what else did you think we were talking about? maybe the word, “outsourced”, threw you off.

fiction. all servers aren’t equal. well known common knowledge amongst those who know.

as in? define such.

if only. but fiction. there is no MM without hosting. simple math.

Do you know what outsources means? When you say “ow outsourced MM to 2 companies” you’re saying that Google and Amazon wrote the matchmaker.

I didn’t say all servers are equal. I said nothing aside from server location has an impact on the matchmaker.

A matchmaker is a piece of software that logicall groups people together. It has literally nothing to do with server hositng. Like I don’t think I can make that any more clear. If you think otherwise then you have absolutely no idea what a matchmaker is or how they work. The matchmaker’s algorithm is completely independent on who the server provider is. Blizzard could switch server hositng providers at any time and the matchmaker can still run independently on that new provider. They are not intrinsically tied together in any way, and the server host has no knowledge, understanding, or influence on it.

Server uptime, bandwidth, latency, security, etc. None of which have anything to do with matchmaking.

Please my man, go look up what a matchmaker is.

I’m not having this kind of conversation again today. If you want to just make stuff up then have at it, but please don’t bother replying to me anymore.

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outsource means: contracted out. as in contracted out the hosting of the MM. don’t over think it.

invalid and fiction. the above would only be true if all servers were equal.

i knew you would say such. which is why i wanted it to be established. although what you articulated above are valid factors, the most important factor is missing. i’ll let you guess what that might be. to which WITHOUT it, no server is reliable. thus, my entire view on matter to being with. in which ow outsourced their hosting of MM, to unreliables who don’t specialize in multiplayer networking. as ow’s current hosting providers are better suited for general data hosting. you can’t treat multiplayer networking like general data hosting due to the complex nuances of such application.

never in question. not even topic at hand. already stated ow outsourced MM hosting, to unreliabe provider. i never said that host providers collaborated or created MM itself. activate your IQ.

considering that you replied to me 1st, no one asked you to chime in to begin with. everything i said was valid. there is no MM without a host. smarten up.

Maybe what I’m gonna say isn’t true for your case, but this kind of thing is usually due much more to hero picks than matchmaking.

Enemy has Doom, Tracer and Sombra? You’ll have no problem healing through much of their damage, especially with heroes like Kiri, Moira, Ana or Bap. Even if they have a strong poke comp, you can mitigate lots of damage with a barrier, then only worry about healing the amount that gets past it.

But when the enemy has things like Junk, Echo, Zen, Sig and Moira’s balls floating around, and you’ve got a discorded Doom on your side spending his life on crit, it’s a total nightmare. :dizzy_face:

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I’ve always found it amusing how one game my team mates report me and blame me for their loss and the next game I’m endorsed 4 times and praised for being a great tank even though my skill game to game is fairly consistent. Stupid people always looking to blame someone else and can’t identify the actual problems in a match.

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Further to what you’re saying, is there a chance that the MM is looking at more than MMR and is also looking at likeliness of the hero someone will pick to stack the deck for or against a player?

If it looks at the DPS characters I play (non hitscan), it could conceivably put me at a major disadvantage by matching me against players likely to pick my hard counters like a Pharmercy combo, against which I’ll struggle.

It could also skew things if it matches me with two supports who are more likely to both play off-heals vs a more well balanced team. Just because the hidden MMR ratings of both teams may be similar, could it also be looking at likely team comps to skew the outcomes?

Sorry… I don’t understand a lot of how the MM works… just asking some questions.

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