One game youre a god, the next a peasant

This is what the matchmaker feels like. I dont think I have ever seen a worse system in my 18+ year of gaming. But I get it its intentional, making you go after that rush.


i had that a bit ago. i had an awesome game as widowmaker/sojourn then the next game i was obliterated :laughing:

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Its such a horrible way of treating your playerbase. Everyone knows not all games are winnable but atleast take us out for dinner first and lube us up Blizzard.


Stomp or be Stomped
Roll or be Rolled

my experience was in quickplay tho so… i havnt played comp enough to know how balance is there but all these posts it has to be something to it.

in that quickplay game i was widow and it wasnt working so i switched to tracer and got one-shotted everytime by ashe and a mccree combo. dont know if it was lucky shots but everytime i blinked next to them bam im dead. sucked heh shoulda probably stayed widow

that’s bc ow outsourced MM to 2 companies who don’t specialize in multiplayer networking. google (a search engine company) and amazon (an online marketplace). then when you factor in the artificial outcomes, its like play for what?

Ah I cant do QP in OW2 because of the leavers and lack of any matchmaker really. Its way worse now with a f2p model, the average OW player does not give a single F.

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There is NO matchmaking.


Its on purpose. People want “highs” and this system gives the most highs to the most people. It keeps people hooked.

I’m fine either way. I enjoy the challenge of taking on better players. But if they fix it it’s not my queue times that are gonna be atrocious.

One game I’m the reason my team never dies, the next I can’t outheal anything


Worse part is your team mates walking right into LOS of double sniper over and over.

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Even QP is a horror show 15 games lost in a row and going, cant even FRIGGING finish these god awful win games with each role… these devs are clueless and dont care about fun


Its all part of the plan to make folks spend more money. Want access to the new heroes? Oh only 30 wins? Sure lets give it a go! Then you realize you get these losing streaks and games that are too obviously “matched” in a way for you to lose getting rolled.

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True. But also the fact that there is way too much damage in this game, makes it hard to outheal things if your target is being solely focused by the enemy team. Though it makes sense since the purpose of OW2’s pvp aspect was lower ttk


Matchmaker: “It’s your turn to be obliterated for four matches in a row!”

Me: "Yes honey…:yawning_face: :face_exhaling: "


I mean, I’ve been telling people about this for months…

Im telling you! They force win/ loss. Ever since the game became free to play, they only want to keep players addicted long enough to buy the BP etc.

Blizz could truly care less about the actual player experience, only care about :moneybag:

Matchmaker: Now get in position! ‘cracks whip’
And you better not scream, or else you get the gag!

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lmao sorry it’s not relevant but before I clicked on this post I thought you were talking about the titles we got from completing battlepass.
The final one of season 2 is Ancient Titan or something like that, while the first one in season 3 bp is Peasant :joy:

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