Omnic Necromancer character idea

There is one character class Blizzard hasn’t really explored yet. A Necromancer class. And since this is set in a futuristic setting, reviving skeletons and zombies doesn’t make sense. So how about an Omnic Necromancer type character? Maybe Maximillian?

This character could summon small helper/attacking bots as the main focus of his playstyle.

Lets say he can summon 2 types of bots. (could be more but lets say 2 for now)

  • First summoned type of bot is a “Protector” bot. You can have 2 at a time. These stay close to you at all times. They have small barrier shields in front of them and can shoot projectiles bullets at enemies. Like Orissa’s gun or maybe Baby Dva’s gun. The point of these bots is to protect you and fight along side of you.

  • The second type of bot is a “Hunter” bot. You can summon 3 or 4 at a time. These don’t shoot projectiles or bullets. These are insect/spider like. The do melee damage. And can poison you like Widows mine. You can click on a target and “mark” them, and these hunter bots will travel to the enemies location and do their best to kill the target. Their walk speed is fairly quick. So for example you see a Widow sniping from far away on top of a building, You can click on the Widow and the hunter bots will travel to her location (they can climb walls) and harass and try to kill her. They keep focus on this target until they are killed. So even if the target is Winston, and the Winston is jumping away, they will follow him until they kill Winston or are destroyed.
    If the hunter bots are not told what target to attack, they will attack the closes target in their range.

The bots can be killed and have health pools.
The Character has its own way of attacking along side the protector bots.

As far as his ULTIMATE, I haven’t really though of anything yet. Maybe have a way to super power up all your bots for a certain amount of time. More damage , more resistant, faster , etc
Or a “SWARM” of bots that attack an area for a limited time.

What do you guys think?


Can this please be a tank? That sounds so fun and I’m sick of barriers.

I’m sure they do have concepts for minion type abilities, that big spider tank lady was supposed to have small minions as an ability.

Could be a tank maybe or hybrid/damage, because the protector bots do have shields.

I think its a cool concept that they haven’t done yet. Could be a builder type/necromancer.

I like the idea of making it for Max too, people always come up with gimmicky luck based abilities. This still makes sense, Max could totally be the controlling boss type


Maximillian seems like the type to have minions at his command , and him standing behind them giving orders.

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When they first showed Efi I thought they were gonna do something like a hero that stayed in spawn and controlled some kinda robot or something that would go out and fight. Would be cool to see something like that for Max too.

I feel like it’d be sorta like in the sense they have a “second life”. Like if you bot/drone dies you can instantly swap and run back out, you wouldn’t have to wait for respawn time

I always wanted some type of evil general as a hero and one of his abilities would be to deploy soldiers of his personal army.

this is awsome idea, i really like it :bangbang:

I played a handheld MOBA similar to HoTS for a while on my phone, and there was a character who was basically a cabbage or some kind of plant-guy and he would sprout little cabbages out of the ground and I think they could explode too. Maybe that could be the ultimate-- similar to D.Va’s exploding mech, but maybe less damage, or spread damage, and maybe the more minions you have out the more damage they do. IDK.

I like minions in games, I played and mained a warlock as my first class in WoW when I started playing a decade ago.

It could also be a hybrid healer (since we only have 6 healers currently).
He can have a third type of bot that could heal allies that are close by with a healing beam that could have the appearance of the beams on the Symmetra Turrets.

I played a ton of Diablo 3 and my favorite class was the Witch Doctor. The Witch Doctor is sort of like a necromancer. Witch doc was a big influence on my idea for this character.

He has minions to protect him making him pretty Tanky and also minions to go and attack enemies, and at the same time he has good attacks like spells and debuffs, cc ,etc.