"OMG Sombra got her hack and EMP nerfed but didn't get any compesition!"

You wanted counters, damage is her counter. One D.va mech bullet interrupts both her hack and stealth. And if you’re good at this game, you can predict when Sombra will EMP and shut her down, but people continue to drone on about having no time to react.

OWL did not prove that. It proved EMP is good against GOATs.

She’s simply viable in league and trash in the real game.


Only thing left we can buff her that I can imagine is wall climb

Tried to play Sombra today in comp. Selected her and instantly was asked to switch to a different dps or play on team with 3 dps. Fun time…

She isn’t even good in the oh so holy OWL and is only used to counter a team composition which will no longer exist, she’s terrible across the board from bronze to top 500, it’s almost like hack can be countered with 1 damage :thinking:

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Its almost like emp was not a problem but when they picked her in OWL they decide to nerf her.

then why is she still the fourth most used DPS hero in Stage 4

She’s only trash in ranks where players are too dumb for teamwork. Her kit is already incredibly strong. Eventually people have to realize this.


Hero who only .05% of the players could use to mediocre success (OWL) and was struggling in every other rank deserved 2 nerfs and didn’t get compensated is a problem.

I’m on board with shifting power out of her hack and EMP to elsewhere. But to say the hero who could barely reach a 50% winrate in GM and negative winrate in every other rank was OP and deserved a net-nerf is foolish.

I’m so tired of hearing this.

She is struggling IN EVERY RANK INCLUDING GM. This whole “people are too dumb for teamwork” argument is no longer valid because it’s been 3 years. Maybe if 99% of the playerbase can’t make it work, it’s because it’s too weak.

Shift power out of hack and EMP like they’re doing, and put it elsewhere.


Then they need to actually buff her other parts of the kit…

By losing most of the games she was picked in?

Her win rate in owl was pretty awful.


I honestly love the hypocrisy of it all. “Ugh we hate GOATS, we want to see DPS!” [Sombra gets played] “EW NO NOT HER, NERF HER SHE’S OP!!!”


It’s the fact she was used. lol


It’s basically just “We want DPS meta, but not that one I don’t have fun playing her.” Tracer, McCree, Widow, or Genji aren’t going to work against 3-3. I feel like some (or a lot of) people didn’t realize why she was being picked. They just didn’t like that she was being picked.

Honestly, I’m not surprised that they nerfed the duration of Hack. And I really don’t think that one second less is going to affect her that much. The issue lies in that Sombra’s performance relies on Hack, EMP, and how her team follows up on Hack and EMP. They’re nerfing the things that she relies on without giving her more to fall back on.

They could have given her buffs to compensate like slightly buffing her damage or tightening her spread or giving her a damage boost against hacked heroes, or anything like that. Instead, they just nerf one of the worst performing heroes in the game because she’s “unfun” and “being used too much by pros” and stop there before giving her more to work with.

Since her kit relies so much on Hack and EMP even in its nerfed state, she needs some compensation. I’m sure it’d be fine if they nerfed her abilities, but they needed to make something outside of that better. Keep those nerfs, sure, but give something to her gun. Make it more a case of shifting power and not just nerfing one of the lowest performing heroes in the game. They could’ve done that at the very least.


Be realistic here, how often do you see an effective Sombra in your plat games?

Rarely? Never? thought so.

Just bait thread.


She can be rarely seen even in Quick Play,let’s be real.

But nooo,she’s soooo “OP” obviously /s

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But…they haven’t. And have not shown any indication of intending to do so.

EMP has no actual counterplay tbh


Like what, make her gun better? Then she’s just another generic DPS, we don’t need more of those.

I’ve done this once (exactly with Mccree) but not in the way he did (which proves he has lots of skill by faking the flashbang)

The Sombra was decloaked fighting and she panic ulted… as soon as I saw the animation I flashbanged. I’ll try and upload it.

The funny thing is I did it by accident (I don’t play Mccree, EVER) as I was backfilling a QP game, and it happened around the time some guy made this thread about how Sombra’s cast time it’s too short and you can’t humanly react to it.