[OLD THREAD] Do something! the game is dying

according to the forums the game has been dead for 2 and a half years now.

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No its not like comparing apples to oranges as you realize Activision owns both games right? You brought up the horrendous source of going f2p which is why I brought up COD because he stated both OW and COD would be f2p which is entirely false. Your f2p can already be debunked as Destiny tried it for a short time and Activision came our right and said they were still disappointed with the games. Overwatch is still in the top 5 revenue based games no reason to go f2p. Not too mention your taking the top 1% of people in OW and making it gospel. Search out Plat or Diamond ranks or lower and you will find new players every single day that are not smurfs. Its like saying GTAV should go f2p because its 7+ years old and the player base isn’t as big yet they still make huge profits so why would they go f2p? If you’re still pulling in huge profits year after year you’re not going to a f2p model.

The game isn’t dying you just thing its dying. The game is still relevant in esports and tons of people still play it.

They turned a dive tank into an opportunistic assassin and gutted their ability to fully counter many of the dps ultimates in the game, It started early as d.va when she lost her armor after receiving a 100 hp buff because the girl was dying too fast.

Game is just so lame these days…
Heroes imbalance is really bad at the moment and meta is super dull.
They need a big rework of the game and many heroes to save it.

This game just needs more content. More frequent hero releases, more frequent map releases, more game modes, more diverse metas, better events, etc. If it continues like this OW won’t really last much longer.


Ehhh, I don’t think they’ll do anything to fix it.

Supported and loved every moment of the game, played since April 2017, have logged around over 600 hoursish with 470+ hours on comp.

I don’t want the game to die, but there’s no chance it’ll live to even Sept.

Never heard of or watched TGN before but that video earned him a new sub. His video sums up the current state of the game very well.

Yes it is apples and oranges. He doesn’t say cod will be f2p he says that blackout could go f2p which is totally feasible.

OW doesn’t come out with a new game every single year, it’s close to 3 years old. Therefore, it’s pretty straightforward thinking to surmise that the game isn’t selling copies like it used to.

Second you just said that OW is one of the top money making games out there. Do you honestly think that’s from current sales? That money is coming from money spent post purchase on loot boxes.

How do you get a lot more people to buy loot boxes? You go f2p to get more people into the game.

It’s also funny because several of the games that make more than OW are f2p. I mean you’re just doing the work for me at this point. Have you ever heard of these little games called DotA, league or fortnite? How much do those games cost, please remind me.

Uhh…do you understand his video got massive support from the community? 21k up votes on reddit. The large majority of the community agrees with his video.

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We need more lore and content👌

If they don’t give it, the game is done for. You would think after three years, they would have done more to keep players engaged


Yeah? I know that, read the full thread and get back to me.

I agree with what seagull said. I haven’t taken this game seriously since mercy 2.0 and hog got gutted in the same patch.


A mod just removed the “devs” part of the title (for some reason) and locked the edit

so now i cant add more videos

Thanks mods -.-

The game is unfixiable at this point, is has nothing to do with balances or heroes is just the whole concept of the game itself.

The core design of OW is a massive failure and only brings frustration and nothing else, not even winning feels good.

Imagine playing a fighting game 1vs1 and suddenly your enemy swaps characters in the middle of the fight countering yours because some characters are more heavier, deals more damage or are just top tier. How do you fix the whole mess in OW? you cannot balance this game and made it good.

Playing this game is nothing but a waste of time and nobody takes it seriously, just go and ask to anyone about OW and they just laugh at it " lol competitive OW XD"

I agree, I think that originally the aspect of changing heroes didn’t impact the game as much because there weren’t so many sharp counters. Now the game has been tweaked and characters have been added that have really significant advantages over other characters that we just didn’t have before. The fact that you can change at any time during the game also makes it a perpetual ‘who gives in first and switches to the counter necessary’ game, rather than a ‘who’s the best at strategy/gameplay/etc.’ game.

Did it concern anyone else when papa J said “I call them my job security” when he mentioned 6 new heroes in the works?

Why would he need to worry about that?

Kinda sounded like the higher ups have severely restricted what the devs are allowed to be doing with the game.

Don’t be so quick to blame the faces we know and love. It’s very unlike them to be this quiet so I doubt it’s by choice.

Magy do something!! Im dying. I’m like constantly dying, im serious here HELP!!

DID YOU SEE THAT!! I just got older, WE just got older… omg it spreading. People will forget about us and like us less… least we got our devoted family and friend right.

Games get old, some people stop playing. I’ve given up on “OW is Dying” thing. If it dies what a horrible waste it would be, but honestly i wouldnt be surprised. This is probably the least effort Blizzard has ever put towards “customer satisfaction” in the game for the sake of profits. As long as they can milk OWL as a cash cow as long as they can I dont think they would honestly care if they ever made Overwatch 2. They could just keep it in their back pocket for 12 years down line like they did with starcraft 1 and 2. Gaming industry isnt like the old days. You dont really have to prove how good your game is as long as you can market it as a product. It’s the sad truth and i’d hate to see it die, but i dont think it’s happening in 2019, maybe 2020, 2021 but they can milk it for one more year at least. As long as no successful original shooter game ideas come out in the next year it will be fine. Call of Bankrupt: Cash Ops 4 was a huge flop so Blizzard dodge a bullet from a competitor there. No idea how battlefield is doing but it’s not exactly original just another shooter with different paints and polish.

Like comics for one.

Seriously I’d prefer 13 comics that expanded the lesser know parts of the lore then one cinematic that fleshes out one character in minor ways.

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