[OLD THREAD] Do something! the game is dying

Why do I get the distinct impression that you are a developer? Your usage of “$n” is suspicious! Not to discount anything you stated or the points you made; all are very fair, and absolutely true. People love to use the word “Devs,” but they’re not using it correctly. They’re not talking about the folks that are literally writing the arguments and parameters or doing the rendering; I think that most people are just referring to the specific team, as a whole, at Blizzard that works on OverWatch. As far as the actual Devs and the DevOps team goes, I’d say that they do a pretty amazing job. It’s not a massive team, relatively small in comparison to most other non-video game software development teams. Yet the game is largely bug free and more often than not is incredibly stable considering all of the moving parts and the objectively small number of people responsible for the program’s integrity. It’s pretty impressive. I mean look at some of the apps on your phones. A lot of those have DevOp teams that are 2* if not 3* the size of OverWatch’s; and those apps crash and spill memory all over the place on an absurd frequency. It’s not the actual Devs fault. It’s the shareholders and the higher-ups cough Jeff cough that hear the bad ideas for ridiculous hero imbalances cough Ash cough Brig cough.

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She is one of the most picked heroes in Grandmaster. And she really functions and is treated as a DPS.

The only real complaints I have are regarding the arbitrary picking and choosing of which heroes are going to be “high skill” heroes and which ones are going to be Hanzos, Ashs, and Briggs. It feels like, the majority of the time at least, that they are continuously buffing the heroes that definitely don’t need it, and neutering the ones that don’t need it. I mean did Bastion really need to do more damage in turret mode? Did McCree need to be able to fan you to death at any point in time? Or the other side of that, did Pharah really need her splash damage nerfed? The other changes to her would have been fine without that splash nerf. Especially the patch that they decided to apply those changes; with Torb at the same time being able to throw his turret (which would be fine if it didn’t have the ridiculous range it has). And then like every hitscan got a damage or range buff. Then Ash was released, and she just has to pull the trigger with you on her screen and she’ll kill you from across the map. It seems like nearly every other DPS hero has a rapid fire ability to deal with an upclose and personal situation. Well with Pharah, being upclose and personal with her is the most efficient and effective way to get meaningful damage now. Reaper gets health back, that just got buffed; Doomfist gets shield, Hanzo gets PanicArrow, McCree gets Fan the Hammer, Soldier gets healing and Helix rockets, Mei… Just… %$&! Mei all together, Symetra has a ridiculous delete button and auto-aiming auto-attacking turrets that slow and do ridiculous damage, Torb had his ultimate turned into a freaking cool down that he gets every 8 seconds along with his auto-aiming auto-attacking turrets that has stupid range, Ash has stupid aim easing a Coach gun that has stupid range/spread/damage/CC along with an AOE dynamite that can ultimately all but kill anything with 200 HP and she gets a 1200 HP auto-aiming auto-attacking Turret. Pharah has been turned into a surgical glass cannon that needs to be mid to close range to do meaningful damage and her ultimate is basically suicide. It just doesn’t seem very balanced. But the issue is that the OW team decided to listen to the people on the forums whom were whining the loudest. Crowd sourcing is simply just not an effective way to make a video game balanced.

8th most picked hero, Considering the current meta, shes the one picked the least, and the 4th least picked support out of 6, below her beeing mercy and Moira,

her winrate is nothing outstanding compared to the rest, so i dont know what you mean

Still meta-defining. She can do still a mighty job of preventing dive of existing and countering GOATS in the hero select screen.

a lot of heroes rule the same meta you know, not just brig

Multiple tank comps have been a thing since before brig existed, FOrgot about quadruple tank, Triple tank?

Quad Tank was niche. Ana was nerfed because of Triple Tank. Same could happen with Brig, seeing how Ana was brutally gutted.

Ana wasnt nerfed lately at all as far as i know, shes still the number 1 most picked hero in the game in GM and number 2 all arround

and shes still above brig alongside lucio and zen…seems like she isnt as much of a problem as you say

Also, What would you know? 5 out of the 6 heroes that make dive are also arround the top 10, Including Lucio / Zen for supports, Winston / Dva and Genji, Its only missing tracer

So smurfing gets even worse like it is on console?

Fear mongering. Lots of gear mongering. Do you have ang citation for anything you’ve said?

The game is fine. These channels make these videos because they get a lot of views with their clickbait thumbnails and they make money.

what he means is because of Brig the top 8 heroes are all supports and tanks…that’s what he means. Doesn’t matter if she’s not picked 100% of the time, when she is picked, a LOT OF OTHER HEROES DON’T GET PICKED because she instantly gives them almost 0 value just out of sheer presence

that is a simple lie…now that brig is nerfed heroes like tracer can get kills even while brig is arround

brig now has to actively use repair packs to stop her or peel back

The thing is those slow updates and poor balancing doesn’t help their esports scene either it just stunts it.

The problem is they forced esports without just making a good competitive game first.

All the best and longest lasting esport grew naturally and those games are much more nuanced and deeper than overwatch.


just make it to where if a hero is selected then you cant play it and that goes for both sides so in theory no one will have the same character.Crying will stop but may start up since they arent quick to the punch in locking in a character.

Its realistic in a way…put yourself into the situation,would you like seeing all the people on your side look like the people on the other side? Doppleganger R us?

BUT in FACT there needs to be another flying toon that can boost around like pharah.So many ground toons but so less flying toons.

No “worthwhile” content since archives? Seriously? You mean like Petra, Rialto, Busan? Wrecking ball? Ashe? Mystery Heroes Deathmatch? A Colorblind Assistance features? A Torbjörn rework? The Horizon map update?

Not to mention LFG and endorsements!

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You’re right, Overwatch is dying. I only just got it a few months ago but only because there was an offer and I do like it, it’s just that the new content is just skins and emotes and voice lines but reusing 2 events in this last holiday season was just lazy. It would have been better to have no new cosmetics but new co-op and PvP limited time gamemodes. Another issue is the cancerous and toxic community. I’m only level 34 and am only on 7th placement match and in every comp match my team has insulted each other, saying things like ‘i hope you get cancer and die’ because i got solo ult by an enemy Junkrat. I’m considering selling my account because of this. Back to the content issue, the dev team for this game is way bigger than for a lot of games but they still only give us some pay to get skins rather than, i don’t know, A NEW MAP!!! I really wish I could refund my legendary edition purchase. Also, Blizzard shoving E-Sports down our throats really makes the dedicated comp players more toxic, because they try to imitate all the top 500s and blame the team for not avoiding a charging Reinhardt out of nowhere when they have no kills and half the team’s deaths.

Search “Fortnite is dying”, “CS:GO is dying” or “League of Legends is dying” on youtube as well. You’ll see the same thousands of videos we see here. Youtubers are all for click-baitey titles that survives on community frustration. If all these games depended on people saying they are dying, there won’t be any online games anymore because they are all dying.

Don’t get me wrong, i don’t think overwatch doesn’t have problems, it has a lot. But the forums tend to deal with this issues with a lot of emotion. Be it with those “Overwatch is dying” topics, or concluding that it is dying because some people got bored with the game, or being super biased against certain heroes, so if blizzard doesn’t deal with it the way you wanted the game become trash and son.

I just wish community stop bringing anecdotes, some random case or their personal feelings like “my friend (or some random pro-player or streamer) quited the game so it must be dying” or “this youtuber said that nothing new came into the game this year, so it must be true” or “this game isn’t fun anymore for me, this game is dead”.


Yes, that pretty much covers it…

A dev would never say this. He made it up, like half of the claims in this thread.

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