Old Mercy was actually pretty niche

Back in the day, Mercy players would hide with rez. Your team would fight a 5 v 6 to qualify for a potential 6v6 later. It basically trickled your team and delayed your next fight. Perhaps Mercy was fine but this strategy was lame

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That guy is heavily biased about Mercy in general. I wouldnt advice to watch a video just from him and forming an opinion after it. You should inform yourself better before taking everything some “pro” says for granted.


It reminds me of how she was played before, and why it was bad.

It’s a long time ago, that is why watching the video is a good way of remembering.

Mercy would hide every game. Every fight. And then you would have a 6 vs 11 fight…

That mass rez was an obvious mistake from the devs and it should have never been in the game in the first place.

The vast majority of players including Mercy mains have accepted it because she’s fine as she is even tho I can agree some games she can be quite boring to play.

Debunked by who? Some people who are not happy with the current state of Mercy and refuse to accept that she won’t be changed?

I’ve had this conversation so many times, I don’t really see the point in arguing more.

Hold that thought…
The Recent Complaints About Mercy Pt. 2
Why I Despise Mercy's Current State

That isn’t a “truth”. That’s an emotional assertion that has not been thoroughly reinforced, thought out, or implemented.

Where are these numbers coming from? Or are you pulling them out of your rear?

Based upon the sample we have here (the forums) it would seem as though quite the opposite is the case. Look at the front page, and you see 3-4 Mercy threads at any given time. We’re on our 9th megathread on top of that, adding another 85,000+ posts to it.

If the “vast majority” of the playerbase was fine with Mercy, why then, has this topic continued to be an issue 5+ months after her last change?

In this case, me. Go read those threads I posted, and tell my why those assertions are incorrect.

In the second one, the section you are looking for is the “Developer Comments” section.

I’ve had this conversation many times before. I’ve yet to find a person who is actually able to refute the positions taken in those posts.


Sorry I am tired arguing that stuff again and again just to get ignored. I recommend this thread from Titanium for you in case you like reading (it is very long) and actually care about the issue. Otherwise have a nice day.


Wait , Wait , Wait … You want to bring back old Mercy(which was a F-tier hero) with no invulnerability ,LoS check and Cast Time? You just want her deleted, don’t you?
Mercy with mass Rez was even worse than the current version. Why don’t Blizz just rework her , remove Rez and give her a new ability/abilities? I think that Revert will make things even worse, not only for the Mercy player , but for the community as well? Do you want to have a Mercy one trick that can’t play the Reverted with lots of changes Mercy version , cuz I don’t.

Yes to the first question.

No to the second.

I want those things for rez, but I also want them to keep the bunnyhop, give Mercy an E she can use to help out during the midfight, and maybe even sneak in some QoL changes.

If Mercy had a watered down Valkyrie as an E ability instead of an ult, she could survive using mass rez by flying away after she uses it. If there’s still a “suicide rez” issue, they could make it give a quick burst heal to all living allies in range (including Mercy) after a successful cast.


And then it would be a free 3000 ultimate charge the first fight (5v6 with a main healer down doesn’t require ultimate expenditures), followed by two or fewer ults dropping post-rez to wipe the team a second time.

If the Mercy was hiding, that fight is a piece of cake to win. In doing so, she puts her team at a numbers disadvantage in the first fight, and a positioning disadvantage in the second with no advantages to compensate.

That is, unless the enemy team is a joke, and blows 3+ ults on a 5v6.


If your team won the 6v5 with all players still alive.

Well, good luck dealing with the Mercy one-tricks that keep dying because they can’t use the hero’s kit properly and keep throwing the game! I’m sure Mercy will remain a hot topic in the 7-10 months.

So long as the hero itself is balanced, viable, and enjoyable to use, some players not having the skill to use a hero’s kit properly isn’t an issue. That’s called having a higher skill floor.

Mercy would still have lock-on beams and easy to use mobility. She would still be the easiest hero to pick up and use.

The only part of her skill floor that would be raised would be her ult.

Which isn’t that hard to do, considering that the enemy would crumble quickly without their main healer.

Hell, even with a 2 player disadvantage post-rez, that doesn’t change that fact that an ult or two would wipe a poorly-positioned team, given that you have the first shot.

Main healer? Mercy? They would have a healer that does healing.

The rezed players were also invincible at the start of their rez, allowing them to see and position themselves.

Not to mention that the rezed team could use their ults.

Widowmaker is weak in the lower ranks , but extremely strong in high ranks
While Mercy 1.0 was strong in the lower ranks , but extremely weak in the high ranks (cause people actually know how to counter Mass Rez). If you think this will make her more enjoyable for players across all ranks, than i don’t even know what to say.

Are you actually suggesting that Mercy is/was not a main healer?

You know, the hero who had the highest healing averages by a long shot, over 3000 more/game than second place at the time (Ana)?

Having a burst impact ult that demands the user to be clever and observant, and free flight on cooldown sounds like a blast to me.

Using mass rez properly made the user feel like a bad@$$ that just saved the day.

Mercy and niche - hahahahahah nice joke. I don’t know what game you guys played but literally every game was a potg of Mercy doing 4 or 5 people rez.

Situational ult :rofl:

If Mercy is niche and situational, I dunno know Symmetra is - a literal mythical UFO unicorn.

It wasn’t that she had the potential to rez the enemy team, she was boring. She did less.

The counterplay to her Rez was just to eliminate her, but it was instant and had very high range on where people die to her rezzing them

So yeah people didn’t play her because she was an M1 bot, now she has things she can do, and rez is more fair than ever before.

She also has an extremely small hitbox

Healing averages doesn’t mean she heals the most.
Only that the people playing her are better at doing their job than those playing the other healers.

I wouldn’t say 60 healing for one target each second is good for a main healer.
When moira heals 80, can hit everyone, and has her orb that heals 75.