Old Concepts > Current Maps

TBh the current maps seem like downgrades compared to the old concepts , the Berlin was turned into Eichenwalde (berlin was Eichenwalde but a dark, green sky run down city)

and Hanamura was more of a Japanese City

No, Hanamura always was meant to have a temple aspect - it was literally called Kyoto Temple

And Berlin could still be released as it’s own map tbh, since that was meant to be a 2CP map

Berlin definitely wasn’t Eichenwalde. It looks completely different.
Also we’ll maybe get India with OW2 because it can be related to Symmetra’s Short Story.

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Berlin looks like an abandoned city. Maybe Stuttgart is the new capital based on its design? (Or i dont know which city we see from Eichenwalde)

I want The Iris and Galapagos as OW2 maps

That’s not exactly true, blizz stated that Eichenwalde was originally a forest map. They went from “we are gonna do a forest instead of Berlin for a german map due to lore and Bastion cinematic, also forest is more original than a city which we have plenty of lined up” to “we are gonna do a castle instead of a forest map”

Eichenwalde is actually a village inside the Black Forest. I hope the eigine will be good enough for forest, jungle and underwater maps. Its impressive that they were able to make a winter Black Forest map.


The temple is always there but I mean it was more of an open city with a temple

I’m always eyeing that India map as a symm main

I’m really curious about the iris map, and if it’s linked to the same iris with the omnics.