Okay this patch sucked but


  • Can now crouch mid-air to accelerate downwards

I love it! :heart_eyes:


Not 100% sure but i’ve heard someone say the accelerated descent consumes fuel too


It does, but at a lower rate than ascending.


the using fuel thing kinds of ruins it for me


Ok yes this is a good change for Pharah. Will make her more unpredictable to hit, for sure.

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Imagine having to use a resource to fall faster

This comment was made by piledriver hamster gang


i have yet to try this in experimental but it does sound kinda hillarious

Agreed, I cant wait for it to go live. Everyone’s so focuses on Brig everyone’s turned blind eye towards pharah

Frustrating af. The uppercut recovery nerf already made it harder to kill Pharah as Doomfist for cool player points and bragging rights, now it will just be nigh impossible :frowning:


It does but I haven’t tested if

a) just hitting crouch gives you the acceleration, meaning tapping it once is enough and you would waste no fuel at all
b) if fuel is requiered. Even though it uses some, maybe you can go downwards without the need of fuel, would be cool

But, crouch used to do nothing and now it’s an option… there’s literally no downside… if you hate the fuel consumption don’t use it…

I guess fast falling to ult isn’t needed? Flutter your way down slowly :slight_smile:

“I got you in my sights”

First thing that came to mind is accidentally killing yourself above water lol.

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It shouldn’t spend fuel. The exchange is instead of being in the air, she gets fuel. Make it so she can’t recover fuel when crouching, instead of spending.

Aaaaaaand it’s gone, it’s all gone.


Im split as a pharah main i know this helps a bit esp in rooftop shooting, but as a hanzo my arrows find their mark only when pharah is in descent.

As widow main i dont care lol.