Okay. I think I am firmly in the Zarya needs a slight nerf now camp

I’d argue people who think 8 players on a 12 person server shouldn’t be shooting stuff, are delusional, and don’t have any clue about what’s healthy for the game.


Ah yes, because a patch just a while back certainly didn’t admit to there being power creep :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Stylistically yes.
But it was more so “nerfing things that suck when barriers are weaker”.

I.e. Hitscan spam, and anti-barrier explosives.

Not just throwing around an implementation method, with no idea what they planned for results.

Never said they shouldn’t be shooting people. Orisa shoots things a lot but her damage isn’t overwhelming like zaryas. Rein does good damage but it’s melee or he has to charge into the enemy team to kill them. Winston is literally jumping into the enemy team and putting himself in danger to do damage and the same is true for Hammond and dva. Zarya gets to sit 15m away with a 0 recoil easy to aim beam that does 170 dps per second because it is almost impossible to not have full charge with her current decay rate. She doesn’t have to risk herself for damage, she doesn’t have to be close range to do damage, her dps is actually high unlike Orisa’s and to top it all off unlike rein who has to choose between doing damage or holding up his barrier or orisa who pretty much has to stay in one spot behind her barrier or dva who can’t use her primary fire while using dm and is in the middle of the enemy team zarya gets to sit back and have a great defensive tool while putting out 170 dps

But what you’re basically saying is that “Zarya should be getting less kills”.

Which boils down to “The Tank role should be less desirable to DPS players”

When the fundamental problem with queue times, is that Tanks need to be more desirable to DPS players.

Not too mention “large hurtbox characters” having substantial firepower, is pretty much an industry standard within the FPS genre.
And Overwatch has a heck of a lot more in common with class based shooters, than it does World of Warcraft.


honestly i still think that even the standard bruiser like “large hitbox character with more sustantial firepower” is still unpopular even in their games

people favor mobility overall, and that just attacts people who like tanks more than it attracts those who like DPS

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Ok I’m an avid tf2 player and you know why heavy is balanced in that game. He is slower then every other character. If zarya was actually slow and didn’t have the same movement speed that everyone else did then yeah she would probably be fine but that’s not the case. Also you don’t seem to realize that if more dps players played tanks then the game would be worse off as those players don’t know how to play tanks and would just assume they work the same way as dps heros which they dont

yeah heavy isnt particularly competitively viable, and he is one of the least popular heroes in game

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Fun part about that though.

2-2-2 ensures that it’s functionally impossible to have 3-4 Tanks on the same team.

So devs could easily design Tanks in a way where they would be overpowered in Open Queue.

And instead focus on balancing between roles based on closer-to-equal popularity.
Not on equal impact.

As for them not knowing how to Tank. That’s what ELO and MMR is for.

i find that would be met with a lot of backlash from DPS players particularly.

im sure you´ve heared the “whats the point of DPS if tanks do so much damage” argument even during 2-2-2,

which is used a lot on zarya, where DPS feel at a “Disadvantage” because they are fighting a character that not only has more HP tahn them but also equal damage

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Yeah? So? They might quit.

But you know what also makes DPS players quit? Horrible queue times.

And I’m pretty sure that queue times that are 3-10x larger than is standard for the FPS genre is much more of a detriment than “Tanks might have the upperhand in some duels”.

Devs got OW2 coming out, and they should be scrambling to do everything in their power to lower queue times.

Because not only do they have to worry about current players, but also player retention from new and returning players.

There are no perfect solutions here. But there are clearly some options that have a better mix of upsides vs downsides.


OW is by far the only non-moba game with a role-queue as far as im aware and this is where all of its problems come from. i dont think DPS queue times will ever be “LOW” simply because its just so much more favored over other roles, even when they are more DPSy in nature

i wonder if going back to open queue would be a better idea overall…?

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They’d probably lose about 20% of their current playerbase doing that.

And yet people are constantly asking for longer queue times so they get get better matching because the matchmaker will currently put bronze players in plat games and play players in master games. People generally don’t care about longer queue time as long as they are increased in order to make the game better to play

That’s more to do with matchmaker issues, and people having high expectations in Quickplay games.

as you said, no perfect solutions…

if the devs were still releasing more heroes instead of waiting for OW2 id suggest to simply add more offensive tanks (like hammond) to the tank roster to cater to some DPS players while not “angering” anyone,

but they arent.

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It’s embarrassing to watch these threads.

“Oh Zarya can do 170dps inside 15m wtf Blizz?”

1500 SR: dies taking a stupid fight “Nerf Zarya!”
3000 SR: “She has zero mobility. Maybe don’t get close to her when she’s glowing from high charge?”


Why would the devs want until OW2 launches to try to fix queue times?

It probably isn’t launching for another 6-8 months, and expecting balance right at launch of OW2 is pretty unrealistic.

Much less the idea that adding new heroes would fix a fundamental playstyle issue with tanks.

More options isn’t the same thing as more fun+viable options.

Devs are much better off spending the next 6-8 months experimenting with fixing the fundamental issues with the game. Then be ready for prime time when OW2 launches.

So that’s why Symmetra got nerfed then, yeh?

I mean, not much makes sense about what the devs do with Symmetra.