Okay. I think I am firmly in the Zarya needs a slight nerf now camp

But why else would they have nerfed her other than toning back power creep changes?

They literally reverted a change that was made during a time when they should have been nerfing rather than buffing

Because they were appealing to the aesthetic of nerfing powercreep, and they don’t seem to care much about what happens to Sym

That why i said of they were still making heroes inestead of waiting.

But waiting until OW2 to release new heroes ruined that option


You’re in denial, clearly

I think it’s pretty clear that the devs are saying “nerfing powecreep” is a useful tool, but it’s not a goal, in of itself.

Furthermore, if you got any idea how to make Tanks more desirable to play, without buffing them, I’m all ears.

Because I’ve probably put hundreds of more hours of thought into it, and I got nothing.

They are desirable to play though

The thing is, what their job entails is not what the average player looks for in their first person shooter

On top of that, the job that tanks have is inherently the most difficult, which also drives people away and makes it the least popular role.

This cannot be fixed. It’s not even a problem with the game itself, it’s just how it is. Unless all the tanks go from tanks to fat dps, the role will never not be the least popular.

C’est la vie

Also, to be on topic from before, they are indeed starting to nerf some of the power creep on purpose. A lot of characters got buffed during double barrier and goats, but none of that fixed anything. Nerfs were the way to go, and it happened. Now those previous buffs are unneeded and are starting to get pulled back.

They aren’t doing it willy-nilly though, as we can see with Soldier not getting nerfed.

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So do that.

That’s what all the other “Primarily FPS games” have done.

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

Clearly trying it the MOBA/RPG way isn’t working. And tanks aren’t even popular in those games (and only make up 20% of the team).

Periodt. Go off. :+1:

Okay, just because you play roadhog doesn’t mean we want to be “fat dps.”

I only play tank to protect my team-mates. I get joy from defense matrixing my team. I don’t want to become the next Zarya or Roadhog. Plus, wouldn’t that be making OW tanks so generic and bland?

I think the people you’re considering in your “we” are a very very small portion of the playerbase.

And that if devs are going to take queue times seriously, they have to be willing to lose some players to do it.

It’s not that small, we have a LOT of tank voices, streamer wise, and forums wise, also OWL wise.

Except you’re not talking about “all Tank players”.

You’re talking about “Tank players that prefer focusing on damage mitigation, and rarely get kills”.

Those players probably make up less than 5% of the playerbase. Probably less than 1%.
And the portion of those that would be upset enough to quit, and not come back for OW2 is even smaller.


I don’t want tanks to be DPSY, i don’t want DPS playing the role because there just “giant DPS.”

A lot of people want TANKY TANKS, not DPS characters with LARGE HEALTH POOLS.

Outside of one thing, thats actually a good idea. That one scenario-blading genji…65 seconds is more than enough for any genji to react to grav, deflect it and just kill everyone.

K. I’m sure the devs would be fine losing 1% of the players to maintain 10% of their players, and pull in 20% more new and returning players when OW2 launches.

How is it not working? This game is still popular, they have modes both for people that like the less popular roles and for people that just wanna play the game, what’s the big deal?

Queue times in open queue game modes are fine. Meanwhile, role queue modes have the game balanced around them better.

Open queue game modes don’t have to worry about dominate strategies as much in most ranks since a majority of people aren’t there to do that.

Why mutilate the game whenever there are alternative and non-problematic ways to solve the issue?

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Because for the most part, there probably aren’t.

Open Queue helps, no doubt. But we’re probably talking a 5-10% drop in queue times for role queue.

When what we need is more like a 50% drop in queue times.

That said, dunno why they didn’t pull OpenQueue out of the arcade, and put it side by side of Quickplay.

Even if it still offers lootboxes.

You are wrong, she is not op

Thst is assuming DPS players move to tank

And Ignoring the fact that you are clearly low-balling tank player totals,

I find that a more accurate (approximate) split would be…

50% DPS
30-35% Sup
15-20% Tank

(± 5 for tank and sup)

Sure adding more offensive tanks could be intresting for DPS

But what are you doing to convince them to get Out of dps?

Why would they trade their favorite class for another class which is in general much different

Even if tanks were more offensive, their primary goal would still be to capture and hold space, hold the objective, etc

And not to frag like dps do, since they are in general much slower so they cant go arround murderin everyone cuz they arent fast, why would a DPS player give out the prime factor that is attractive from DPS?

And its not likr they are never going to return to dps and always queue tank forever, so even if enough tried it out, what guarantees they will stay?

And this is also forgetting the inpact on matches, what do you do in a match where your tanks play like dps? You lose most of the time,

What happens if you lose like, more tanks than DPS move?

I think that overall your strategy is too risky and might end up with even worse queue times

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