I’m not a fan of deliberately sabotaging queue times.
I don’t think it would. People play Zarya out of necessity. She has a few fans but honestly dps players mostly don’t enjoy her.
Because its the actual truth…
I’m maintaining 59% winrate, very close to 60% with Zarya and 55% winrate with Mercy and this is in mid Diamond
her hubbles are stupidly powerful and don’t require much mechanic skill to use. It doesn’t help that they have short cooldowns and grant her even more dps.
Maybe you’re a good zarya. Anecdotal evidence doesn’t help your case.
You keep alternating between “She does way too much Damage like a DPS”.
And “Yeah, there’s nothing about her playstyle that would interest a DPS player”.
Maybe, I just want them to make her more about protecting teammates and less about damage but also not make bubbles even more broken than they already are.
It’s not contradictory.
Dps players like heroes that play a certain way (fast paced/precise), not just heroes that do huge damage. Dps players might have picked them, but they didn’t really like Reaper or Mei when they were OP. For instance.
So Zarya can be super powerful but not well liked.
They just need to revert the buff to her charge decay rate, then she will be fine.
She never needed compensation for Gravs AoE being nerfed. The old decay rate was balanced.
Guess I’m gonna have to agree to disagree on that one.
Considering beam tracking at closer ranges is a ton more precison than a lot of DPS.
And the “fun” part about playing DPS is getting kills.
So anything that equals “Zarya should get less kills”, is pretty much “Zarya should be less desirable to DPS players”.
If dps players want to play Zarya, why did they hate Goats?
Because GOATs was all about being highly reliant on your teammates to do any thing in slow paced fights.
Where as DPS want to pop off with solo-impact kills, in relatively fast paced fights.
Additionally, GOATs was mostly “cooldown-ing” the enemy team to death. And most the damage came from unaimed melee hits.
Well, that’s definitely not how Zarya works. She is very teamwork based.
I dunno. Let’s revert the charge retention buff. That’s not a huge deal and would probably balance her out.
Let’s maybe not make queue times worse, and mess with a meta that’s better than it’s been in 3-4 years.
Additionally, if the Plat-through-Bronze meta is your concern. The issue isn’t so much Zarya, as it is Orisa and Sigma can’t be run as SingleBarrier Tanks. And AntiHeal is too much of a threat to not have a strong barrier and also not have the only hero in the game with a teammate cleanse.
Well, maybe we could buff Dva instead? I feel like most of the problem is that Zarya is obviously superior as an off tank.
Actually, I just thought of something that fits.
What if they make it so that Immortality Field cancels the effects of AntiHeal.
Doesn’t really change the balance among the tanks, does it? Might help Baptiste a little.
Kinda does.
Zarya bubble cleanses antiheal.
Rein barrier blocks antiheal, and blocks earthshatter.
If you had a way to counter antiheal, then it’s both a counter to antiheal, and when combined with an offhealer Ult like a Zen Ult it’s a counter to Earthshatter.
So, instead of nerfing zarya, you take sides with favortism. Smart! That’s why ZARYA is in every single game, because people like you. Defending her, and trying NOT to get her nerfed.
I’m sick and tired of it. Nobody want’s to play certain tank heros Because of ZARYA.
And stop, tank role was never popular to begin with dude.
Tbh rein is the only tank that makes me want to play tank.
I’m totally on board with buffing other Tanks.
My “favoritism” is towards the popularity of the Tank role as a whole.