Okay. I think I am firmly in the Zarya needs a slight nerf now camp

No way she can be a dps with her huge health (for a dps).

I’m not sure. Probably, I would just nerf her. I think she should have accelerating energy loss so she’s always at 0% at the beginning of combat- holding over power from fight to fight is very bad, it’s a snowballing mechanism.

So which “Primarily FPS Game” are you pulling your concept of Tanking from?

I miss any "Tanks from FPS games"?

Furthermore, is it important to protect against 3-4 Tanks on a team, with 2-2-2?

And lastly, if less DPS players want to play Tanks, would that increase queue times?


Exactly. Don’t get me wrong, I would like her to be an actual tank but she’s more of a dps in tank role right now. I don’t think increasing bubbles duration would even be a good idea… but she needs her decay reverted and perhaps some shields cut down or max damage/beam length reduced too.

This one.

Look at like, Reinhardt or Orisa. That’s a tank. Zarya could be more like that and less good at killing.

Did you just say zarya doesn’t require mechanical skill? There’s a reason most OWL teams put their tracer player on zarya. Also she’s a tank, bubbles won’t work on dps heroes.


Maybe they could find a way to put both bubbles on one button, give her a new tanking ability in addition to what she’s got, and nerf her offensively a lot.

She’d be worthless with all of those changes.


Right now she requires even less mechanical skill than Mercy which sets the standards way too low because she’s already least demanding character in the game (even if they are from different roles - and i played each one of these in mid Diamond and maintained stupidly high winrate close to 60%) so yeah.

Considering “Convincing DPS players to play Tank instead” is kind of the #1 issue facing this game right now.

Why would devs want to make Tanks less desirable to DPS players?


I refuse to believe that you are not trolling.


I mean, tanks can be fun. Dva and Wrecking Ball are both legitimately tanks and are fun. And honestly not a lot of people seem to like playing Zarya. Roadhog is the DPS player’s tank.

I’ve enjoyed games on Zarya but it wasn’t the inherent gameplay. It was how powerful and useful she was and winning games because of it.

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As a dps player, tanks are really fun. Rein is probably one of my favorite characters in the entire game.

“God forbid we tune down a stupidly broken dps to Sym level for once”…
Maybe not all at once, just a few then. She will still be most picked tank across all ranks because bubbles are best ability in the game after the nade and res ofc.

For the love of god, stop dumpstering heroes that you don’t like


She’s the most popular Tank across all skill tiers…

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Because she’s good, not because she’s fun.

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So why would making her less fun, and more utilitarian, make her more fun?

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Anyone who doesn’t share your opinion isn’t trolling or hates that character. I even said they need to make her an actual tank not a pubstomp dps wannabe in tank role.

It wouldn’t, but I’m not a huge fan of the best dps in the game being a tank.


You said that zarya takes less mechanical skill than mercy, and that she’s the least demanding hero in the game. No you’re definitely trolling.