Ok seriously who the heck is D.mon?

I keep seeing alot of mentioning about how everybody wants a “D.mon” D.va skin, and I’m sitting here going “…who/what the heck is D.mon?”

Another MEKA pilot who is friends with D.Va

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Why not Google it instead of creating new thread?

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Well, that wouldn’t make much sense. At that point you might as well make another character since all of the mechs don’t fit as a skin for D.va

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The second one from the left.

It’s also a forum member!
Totally a coincidence. /s


Lol well some folks would definitely be very happy for that to happen :slight_smile:

I still don’t know exactlly why would people be happy with this, though.

And also man, why no love for the other meka pilots? :frowning:

Another forum user, you probably have seen them around

Edit: Here they are!

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Because one of them looks like he is in primary school.

I think Casino looks pretty cool though.

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Because D.Mon is a waifu, and the eighth commandment of gaming is “Thou Shalt Lust After the Waifu”

But seriously, I have seen calls for Overlord and King, as well

I want Casino he looks like he would be flamboyant and camp as hell.

well id say most of the player base is straight guys so…theyd want the girl member. i want all of them as playable characters, even if its just for an event mode ):

D.mon is one of the 5 meka squad members along with D.va, king, casino, and overlord.

D.mon is a massive sheild tank. The largest in the squad by far. Her mech is huge, with a green tradition shape energy shield. Her mech resembles a buff humanoid body with actual hands on her mech and a little head. Her mechs name is beast.

She was on the Same esports team as D.va before the meka squad. Which is why they both have D. At the start of thier names. Chu described her as the tough and protective type with a more serious personality.

D.Va’s girlfriend.

At least that’s what fanartists concluded after seeing D.Mon’s face for literally 2 seconds in the D.Va short.

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I see you :eyes: lol thanks

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Oh god, oh no. No no no nononononono nopenopenope

(heads out door)

Lol thanks for that xD

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Is this not cannon yet?

Not yet, but surely Michael Chu has another Bastet in his pocket

(Game gets banned in Russia)