OK. I figured it out. Don't kill the messenger

Recently I have been mercy pocketing my son on pc comp. I am not a mercy player but playing with him is the only way i will still play this game.

Yadda yadda. Only say this for context because I am a long time console player.

Initial observations without going too in depth. There are a lot of botters(third party mods) on PC. A LOT. I really notice it playing a healer with a birds eye view. Holy cow its bad.

I am not saying this as a disparage against pc. Obviously when the matches are good on pc they are way better than on console so thats not my point.

Which leads me to where I am going. The second observation is that the player base is MUCH smaller on PC. MUCH. Blizz doesn’t release the numbers but if i was to guess, I bet its something crazy like 75/25 in favor of console.

How did this happen? When OW2 went f2p console players no longer need a live subscription monthly fee in order to access multiplayer. Now you only need internet connection. This caused the console player base to explode. Simple math. Way more people have a xbox, PS, switch, than a gaming PC rig.

Then it hit me! It explains why all these new heroes they release are so basic and easy to play. OMG! The devs are designing OW for console. They are catering to their player base. This is a console game now with a pc port.

If you really think about it then it makes all the sense. Bigger hit boxes, more hp, etc.

I cracked the code.


Do you mean people who are bad or actual bots?

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Im guessing both are likely

Actual bots. Hacks. Cheats. Of all variety. They infest the pc pool.
I was shocked to see how bad it is.
(after playing pc i prefer it over console cuz of gameplay)
just being real though

It explains everything.
Dumbing down of the game with bullet size and added hp. Reduction of in game mechanics and skill. Passives that play the game for you. To placate an fps bottleneck console design. Slower framerate. Reaction time is lowered. Simpler easier.
It is all right in front of our effin faces.

But PC players always tell me there are only like 200 console players

You are overthinking it too much

Its the F2P dynamic

You need to shake everything up about every two weeks for keeping all the memes and tiktoks rolling