Ok so. Consider myself a pretty going support player I do what I can for my team. But what is going on seriously Blizzard wtf??? The matches are so bad and I MEAN BAD. The Endorsements don’t do anything to help. Blizzard may think it was a good idea making it free to play but for us OG players the game is ruined. I can’t vent my frustrations enough at blizzard for what they’ve done to this Once great game. I’m sick and tired of being told to shut the f up when I’m communicating to the team, I’m tired of getting you’re trash messages because I didn’t pocket heal them when they were so SO BAD. There is only so much a healer can do when you have another healer who is DPSing instead of healing. It really does feel now blizzard are ignoring the gamers and it’s just a big cash cow for kids like fortnite. Thanks Blizzard I miss the old Devs
I know I’m not alone so many of you fellow players have vent to blizzard ignoring us but what can we do? There is nothing. I do the best I can, example…I’ll start playing the game around 5pm then come off around say 10pm and I’ve only won 1 or 2 games and that’s no fault to my own…I’m just put in very VERY VERY BAD GAMES