Oh, you're a symm OTP since the launch of this game?

Name all the times you’ve been false banned


Looks like the forums found a new thread…I wonder how long this will last

oh and my answer: 194784764365187357`8653173657156173465183751374htcrg7yfcuuduikzjchjx3nc ufinyji48xuyc3grc7t*&T&^(*nr#@rtb^#&*o@&r@t@#

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Finger Eleven - Paralyzer starts playing

Oh, you’re a Sym main?

How many times have you watched Stevo?

I mean, main is one thing, but if you’re a actual OTP of any kind…I can’t lie, I’m entirely okay with bans in that case.

I get reported playing Symm in QP sooooo :purple_heart:


7 times during the 2.0 era… I almost quit the game completely. There was SR decay as well so I just dropped and dropped and I couldn’t do anything about it.

4 times since 3.0 dropped, none before that.

I’ve never been banned for playing Symmetra but I play on PS4 :man_shrugging:t2:

I played Symm and Torb and i was suspended 2 times because of false reports.
After that i got another 3 but i made sure i deserved those for toxic behavior.

I still consider the false bans over hero choice and the amount of time that it went on Blizzards biggest failure in Overwatch :unamused:

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Never reached a ban but got a warning or two for sure back in like 2018/2019.

Not an OTP but if you’re at 51% Sym playtime, that’s enough to be a onetrick in the community’s eyes. People want you to swap FAR more than you actually need to, and you will be blamed for everything, and none of your pop-offs will be acknowledged.

Ashe main = Ashe main
Sym main = Sym onetrick

Prove me wrong.

All depends on your play time. If you consistently play only Ashe every single season, and have hardly any time elsewhere… I’d say its safe to say that is also a one trick. Same goes for Widow, and any other hero

Tell that to the community at large

Oh you’re a Sym OTP? Name every “Sym is bad” spam post on the forums.

i got perm banned for continuing to one trick tracer after brig got released :+1:

This one is Fred. This one is Cindy. And this one is Slagathor.

It’s a number, name and characters all in one