Oh wow look! Ball's, echo's and tracer's stats are going down since meta seems to be going to rush. BUT!

No it is this is the MOST viable hero which has a chance to counter her.

That’s all.

It isn’t like Sombra / Torb are viable in GM.

Oh, how I hate that feeling.

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Cree does not counter tracer, he’s just very powerful right now.

EVEN IN GM, the best counter to tracer is STILL to this day, briggite and torbjorn.

Which is why they are garbage there?

There is a reason they are not picking Torb there.

They are only picked to counter tracer, which is why their PR is low. They can only do 1 thing counter, cree can counter and bust tanks and shields and squishies all at the same time while mildly affecting tracers.

But Tracer is #1 DPS pick in GM.

If they were viable they would be picked to actually do that.

You have a massive amount of Tracer and Ball being picked, and you wonder why McCree is being picked.

Seriously, you nerf the hell out of Tracer, and Ball, and he will vanish.

Arguably brig was still good last meta, on one hand I think him a bit too strong, on the other I recognize that many people probably hate him only because he was good last meta and this meta, so they’re just tired of him.

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Mccree is no.1 pick in GM not tracer.

Ball is already dropping, even tracer has dropped a bit, echo has dropped hard just like ball and guess what? Cree still no1 dps pick with a wide gap.

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Ah yeah, Tracer and Ball are just MASSIVELY picked, and he is most viable counter in gm to both.

Seriously, nerf Tracer / Ball, or buff other tanks so Ball vanishes, and he will vanish.

Seriously, McCree is just “most viable counter”

If Rush fully takes hold, and Ball and Tracer leave being super highly picked, McCree will follow.

I mean with their pick rates, what the hell else are you going to run?

STILL #2 DPS and #2 Tank.

Once they are out of meta, if McCree is still highly picked, then sure.

But they are STILL MASSIVELY played.

It is not a counter per se, but I like to mirror Tracer. That is usually what I do if Torb is a bad pick for the situation. I am low ranked though, so I have no idea if Tracer is the sort of hero you can have in your pocket to deal with top 500 Tracer one tricks. Lul.

If cree really was just for countering then his stats wouldn’t be surpassing that of tracer. He’s not just picked to counter tracer, he’s picked even in games when theres no tracer and 90% of GM playerbase is meta slaves so they dont pick just for fun.

Tracer AND Ball.

You see Tracer, you pick McCree
You see Ball, you pick McCree

Some games only have one of Tracer / Ball, but you still pick McCree because what the hell else you going to pick.

Again, get them out of the meta, and ONLY THEN if McCree is still there, nerf him.

You don’t nerf the counter to the other Meta heroes.

YES, they don’t, they are ALSO counter picking for Ball.

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No ball, only tracer.

Rein and Zarya both are now above ball.
Guess what? Cree is still rising.

REALLY? You gotta stun ball.

There is STILL a massive amount of Ball played.

There are far less balls echos and even tracer has dropped a bit but she’s still dominating. Cree is only picked to counter according to you which means he’s picked to counter tracer.

Massive amount sure? But brawl is even more massive and guess who’s the strongest dps? Cree.


God damn it can you not read?

Tracer AND ball.

BOTH are played heavily.

So in games with even one of them, he will be picked.


Brawl is now dominating far more than ball.

But that doesn’t mean Ball isn’t still MASSIVELY picked.

And it only takes one of Tracer OR ball for McCree to be picked to counter.

Yes sure. But brawl is far more played now which means ball is stooping even lower in comparison to rein and zarya.

And most games are now rein zarya and guess what? Cree Is still dominating in rein zarya…

EXCEPT you don’t know that.

That isn’t what the stats are telling you.

No, my thing is

I’m saying wait and then nerf him if that is the case.

But, currently the stats are reasonable for him to still be highly picked.

YES, if rush takes hold, AND he doesn’t fall out then nerf him.