Oh wow look! Ball's, echo's and tracer's stats are going down since meta seems to be going to rush. BUT!

Mccree is still doing as well if not better, in a supposed rush meta, CREE is still doing better than any of the close range heroes or old rush dps heroes. (And by a massive margin).

But overwatch balancing team is being ignorant it seems.


Yeah the whole “Mccree is only picked to counter ball” point was moot from the beginning.


Seems like the cowboy might just be powerful after all. I mean who would’ve guessed a hero who has more pickrate than 11 dps heroes combined is actually op.


Mccree is a generalist and he’s so good at it, that he literally does the job of other heroes better faster stronger which isn’t balance.


I agree with that. A generalist who is too good at close range, mid-range, and isn’t bad at long-range isn’t good lol


Not to mention he has as much health as a close range hero which means he can punish you at mid range easily and close range easily. While you can’t take him out even if he makes 4 mistakes in a row because +25hp.


I heard someone say he was bad at taking 1v1s and dueling. I


What. My guy has an 8 second one shot at mid range…


this is probably why blizzard doesnt listen to the forums and their buffs/nerfs are what their internal team finds unbalanced or needs changing. of course some of their decisions are questionable but they’re the boss

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What do u mean by “this”?

uhhmm i dunoo?!? lol

I mean yeah, I’m not telling blizzard to listen to me or the forums ever. But my guy blizzard look at your GM competitive data sheet, it’s clearly going to be screaming cree is over powered.

Listening to anyone with source trust me bro is bad and especially to forums because for example people here are never going to be ready for nerfing mercy even if she was the best support hero in the game by a large margin because there’s too much mercy bias here.

Just use the data for balance and opinions of pros not of randos.


Tracer was fine :pensive: rip

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i do agree with you on mccree, he does seem strong i was talking about pickrates in general. if a hero is has a high pickrate it doesnt always mean they are overpowered and in need of nerfs. i wouldnt know myself since im not a high level player or pro but i can guess on why blizzard would nerf someone. after it happens

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Yes if a hero has the highest pickrate in GM they probably need nerfs. Do note that they might not need nerfs if the margin of PR & WR between the most picked hero and the other heroes is small.

Arguably with ball tracer was a bit over the top, imo with ball nerfed it indirectly nerfed tracer although bap, brig, sig, and cree are the same as ever so tracer has less help diving the zen and yet the enemy team has just as much peel.
I’d say tracer and ball were over the top just they had trouble killing a zen through a team with at least half the characters being good at peeling.


Add shield melter with that stupid fth long range… you can see enemy crees literally spamming it and melting a Rein shield.


Tracer and ball were over the top by a bit yeah, but now they are fine(mostly fine tracer could still use some very minor nerfs actually but only after cree gets nerfed that is)

The issue is the peel potential right now which hurts flankers a lot and ball and tracer too but the peel hurts already weaker heroes too like genii doom.

Cree is part of the peel problem too and we’ll the hero itself too is over performing right now because the meta is going more towards rush brawl and less towards tracer echo ball and yet cree is still doing as good( better actually if u wanna be statistical) which clearly indicates he’s a major part of the problem too.


Hahaha You still belive on blizzard balance team?


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Spam fth, roll rinse repeat high skill hero :slight_smile: