Oh wow look! Ball's, echo's and tracer's stats are going down since meta seems to be going to rush. BUT!

Both Hammond and Tracer are still in the high numbers so what you are saying is plain false.

Wait, you mean the forever meta hero that was powercrept to all hell and meta before ball, wasn’t meta because ball was too? Who’d have thought!?


Something tells me you don’t know what deathball is…

Brig does horribly in poke metas by design.

When 11 DPS heroes have below a 1% pickrate then it’s not just McCree that needs to be nerfed

All nerfing McCree will do is make Tracer, Widow, Ashe, Hanzo and Echo more successful, with the slight possibility of making Soldier more useful, either way nerfing solely McCree is not the right move, the DPS roster needs a massive overhaul


Actually, it’s because Blizzard doesn’t “balance” like people want them to.

They manufacture metas. It’s a completely different goal.

If McCree is strong right now, it’s because they either want him to be, or because the playerbase either knows something the devs don’t or because they haven’t caught up to the reality of the patchnotes yet.

Yes but my point was there a good number of anti-dive heroes that are good in a comp normally weak to dive, zen is also a stable of poke but because of him brig is also a staple of poke simply because she has an extremely good synergy with him and sig.

I mean she was meta just last meta.

McCree in his current state is a rush hero. The health increase, the close range stopping power, and the ability to destroy the old guard Balls fits in very well. In 2-2-2, the only more iconic deathball DPS to me are Reaper and Mei, and there’s no secret why McCree is picked over them in this iteration.

What is this? There’s a team who balances Blizzard? Decide how many guys work on WoW, how many work on D4 and such? Decide who’s working on art for a given game and who’s designing levels? Or do you mean Overwatch balance team - team that actually “balances” OW?

I am talking about this week stats. Which are quite clearly indicating rush brawl, however if the stats do change next week or next month, then yes I take my argument back.

It still doesn’t mean McCree is OP, the highest levels will always pick what is best even if it’s just 1% better than anything else.

All 6 of them need nerfs but cree is the only one who needs significant ones.

Yes but the margin matters and shows that even the ones who are forcing their heroes stop forcing them and go cree just because of how big the gap is in the power of these heroes in GM.

In pro play, yes they will always use the best no exceptions for any players.

There is no big gap, is a tiny one. If they nerf McCree even a tiny bit someone else will take his place, and everyone will complain about that character, because that is what people always do, and we continue the never ending cycle of unbalance. When McCree was at the bottom people still complained about him, this is all just hypocrisy, it’s not about balance, once he is removed from the meta one way or another people will complain about whoever comes next.

That is what balance is. You nerfs the top ones, nerf/buff other heroes, whatever it takes to make the margin as small as it could be. But right now the margin is one of the biggest that it has ever been(in dps), tracer cree have literally 10 times the stats of most heroes and that’s not balance, not even close to balance.

No that is not what balance is an no the margin is not the biggest it’s ever been that is a lie, it is ALWAYS like this, it’s called the meta. When Hanzo was the meta it was like this, when Ashe was the meta it was like this, etc etc etc. It will be the exact same when McCree falls out of the meta, except that if they nerf him he will go back to being terrible, people will complain that he is terrible because he literally was until the last buff, and others will complain about whoever replaced him, I can see it coming already. I know its impossible to accept for those who hate him but McCree is not OP he is just meta, he was buffed back in october and only a little while ago he started being meta and coincidentally everyone started to complain about him, what a surprise.

My dude what are you on? The meta and the margin matters, go have a look yourself on overbuff GM, there have been other metas with far smaller margins for example during the orisa hog meta most dps picks were quite close to each other in stats except tracer she was good by a mile.

It’s called the truth brother. I’m right and you will see soon enough.

Understandable have a great day stats ignorer.

McCree hater :man_shrugging: