Oh so you’re a tank main?

Torb is my favorite off tank.

He’s a God , praise torb

insta-queue is pretty nice perk 8)

Seriously, the ttk just needs raised. The ttk in this game keeps getting lower and lower, and that makes Tanks kind of pointless.

Because of this thing I only play tank in QP now. I know why Jeff did it, but it’s a terrible idea. As if queue times since 2-2-2 already didn’t make me give up playing DPS, now I gotta play tank if want to keep my currency pile increasing. If you’re gonna introduce this thing, every role should be giving some currency - 25 for tank, 15-20 for support and 10 for DPS.

Nah, the lower the time to kill, the more impactful tanks are. They just feel worse to play is all.

those bonus rewards, are the reason some throw you get it whether you win or lose. So some non-tanks and healers play quick games then go back to what they were doing. Hard to prove but just some observations i have witnessed.