Oh no no no this is gonna be good

yea, but the get shiny logo with number they have to actually play to earn the sr instead of sitting on 25 games a season

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Due to the small player base at end end of the SR curve, it’s actually something they can reasonably address.

The complaints from people in SRs like gold/plat are generally nonsense because the players are just wildly inconsistent.

The question is why is MMR a thing still, at all. The way it is now, SR doesn’t really matter as much as MMR. Then why does SR exist if it’s just a pretty number with little meaning?

im just waiting for stylosa to place masters then drop down to diamond then i can laugh at him.

ps; jk i like the guys passion for ow.

I hope it will be good. It might encourage streamers to do more than just do their placements every season and actually require some involvement with the game. (WeirdChamp @ xQc).

It’s going to be working the same as decay did.

When you had decayed down to 3000 and were 4k usually, you’d still be put in 4k games and not 3k games.

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the two numbers exist because if you saw how little your MMR moved after 100 games you’d stop playing

SR is designed to be volatile to give the impression you’re moving around, when in reality you aren’t

I was thinking ChipSa

The matchmaker finds games based of mmr. GM players will be in full GM games even if their sr is masters.

Oh boy, I can’t wait to play even MORE games with double shield and ashe one tricks, not like ranked wasn’t already a total grind.

I’m sorry but I’m not prepared to put my faith in the blizzard matchmaking system to not f me over next season. I’ll be in open comp where the games are actually fun thanks.

edit: I ain’t about to forfeit 600 sr just so I can “climb” back up. What’s more likely to happen is that I get a bunch of throwers at the 3900 range and get stuck around 4k for ages. Just bring back decay man, that forced people to keep playing to maintain their high ranks which was miles better than this idea.

I wish they did what apex did. End of every season they place you back one rank to prevent players from grand standing in their ranks. Comp should be a reflection of effort not how good you once were.

In no way or form should someone who doesn’t even play anymore play 5 games( lose all of them) then have the right to say they are as good as someone who plays everyday and was on the grind. You should always have to keep your edge honed( even Jeff said that)

They should restart the rank for everyone and not just 3900 or above.
Anyway it is a good thing and a good beginning.

FINALLY! The game is fair again!